
Operations Planning Committee - MEETING ARCHIVE 2011-12
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return to Current Year OPC Meeting Information

Phuong Tran, ACE
Jay Patyk/Ion Georgiou, Faculty
Phyllis Spragge, Administrator
Email the Tri-Chairs

Shirley Treanor, Administrator
Gigi Gallagher, Classified
Meredith Heiser, Faculty
Elaine Kuo, Researcher
Pam Wilkes, Faculty
Laureen Balducci, Dean
Kurt Hueg, Associate Vice President
Meryam Bouaricha, Student

As a part of our shared governance process, all meetings are open to any faculty/staff/student that would like to attend.
Meeting Date: Agenda: Minutes: Attachments:
June 21, 2012 Agenda Minutes

Reassign Time Decisions - Corrected 6/18
2012-13 Budget Reductions Simulation
2012 Governance Survey
OPC Prioritization to PaRC 2011-12 w/Notes 5/17

May 30, 2012 Agenda Minutes

OPC Prioritization to PaRC 2011-12 w/Notes 5/17
OPC Resource Rubric Final Blank Template
OPC Resource Rubric with Criteria
OPC Workgroup Reflections 2011-12

May 9, 2012 Agenda Minutes

OPC Prioritization to PaRC 2011-12 w/Notes 5/7
OPC Prioritization to PaRC 2011-12 w/Notes 5/9

May 7, 2012 Agenda Minutes

Campus Reassigned Time 2011-12
Guiding Principals for Allocation of Reassigned Time
Progress in Working Toward Recommendations
OPC Prioritization to PaRC 2011-12 with Notes

April 30, 2012 Agenda Minutes

OPC Prioritization to PaRC 2011-12 with Notes
Math Reassigned Time Request
Campus Reassigned Time 2011-2012

April 23, 2012 Agenda Minutes OPC Prioritization to PaRC 2011-12 with Notes
April 20, 2012 Agenda Minutes

OPC Update
OPC Prioritization to PaRC 2011-12
OPC Prioritization to PaRC 2011-12 with Notes

April 11, 2012 Agenda Minutes

OPC recommendation for SGH Changes-Approved
OPC Resource Rubric Final Template
OPC Resource Rubric Final w/ Criteria
OPC Recommendation to PaRC re Prioritization
Draft Resource Allocation Timeline
Vice Presidential Resource Allocation Rationale

March 26, 2012 Agenda Minutes OPC recommendation for SGH Changes-Approved
Draft Resource Allocation Timeline
OPC Resource Rubric Final Draft
Vice Presidential Resource Allocation Rationale
March 20, 2012 Agenda Minutes OPC recommendation for SGH Changes-Approved
Draft Resource Allocation Timeline
March 19, 2012 Agenda Minutes OPC recommendation for SGH Changes-Approved
OPC Resource Rubric Final Draft
Vice Presidential Resource Allocation Rationale
11-12 Faculty Release Time
March 12, 2012 Agenda Minutes OPC recommendation for SGH Changes-Approved
OPC Resource Rubric Final Draft
Draft Resource Allocation Timeline
Academic Senate Agenda
February 28, 2012 Agenda Minutes OPC recommendation for SGH Changes-Approved
Draft Resource Allocation Timeline

February 14, 2012
Agenda Minutes Draft Resource Allocation Timeline
January 24, 2012 Agenda Minutes

Draft 5 - OPC recommendation for changes to SGH
Draft Resource Allocation Timeline
OPC Prioritization - B Budget Requests
Draft 4 - OPC Resource Rubric
Program Review 3.3-Final Draft
VP Resource Request Form

January 10, 2012 Agenda Minutes Draft 4 - OPC recommendation for changes to SGH
Draft 3 - Resource Allocation Rubric
Draft VP Resource Request & Planning Sheet
Dec. 9, 2011 Agenda Minutes

OPC recommendation for changes to SGH
Draft Resource Allocation Rubric
Draft Resource Allocation Timeline

Nov. 18, 2011 Agenda Minutes

Draft Resource Allocation Rubric
Draft Resource Allocation Timeline
Draft-Ongoing Budget Augmentation and Elimination
Stewardship of Resources of Objectives

Nov. 4, 2011 Agenda Minutes Final Core Mission Objective
Draft Resource Allocation Rubric
Oct. 24, 2011 Agenda Minutes Draft Template of Objectives
Oct. 11, 2011 Agenda Minutes Reductions Timeline
Compiled Requests

Visit the Other Core Mission Workgroups & Operations Planning web pages:

Basic Skills
Operations Planning

To view archived work of the Operations Planning Committee, visit:
Operations Planning Committee 2012-2013
Operations Planning Committee 2011-2012
Operations Planning Committee 2010-2011
Operations Planning Committee 2009-2010

Top of page June 28, 2017