
Integrated Planning and Budget (IP&B) Task Force 2017

The Integrated Planning and Budgeting Process (IP&B) Task Force was given a new charge at the end of the 2016-2017 year. PaRC has asked IP&B to focus on the following tasks:

  1. Explore the feasibility of developing metrics for faculty hiring prioritization.
  2. Review and reconsider new initiatives proposal form.
  3. Review Governance Handbook to identify gaps in preparation for QFE process in the fall.
  4. In consultation with division stakeholders and with the faculty and staff senates, review and suggest revisions to the specific units included in each program review category –  especially administrative, student services, and instructional degrees that are inter-disciplinary and established learning communities.
  5. Discuss possible revisions to the program review template prompts to clarify the need to include plans to mediate student achievement gaps identified by the data (PRC and SEW)
  6. Discuss possible revisions to the student services unit and administrative unit program review template prompts to more clearly highlight services provided and students served (PRC)
  7. Review timing and focus of the college’s annual Governance Survey.
  8. Review PRC rubric application for addressing Equity in Program Reviews.  Consider overall rating for programs that are below the institutional standard for course success rates and whether a remediation plan should be required.
  9. Consider making the PR Templates will be available sooner. Examine the PR calendar to move the due date for PR further out.
  10. Examine the results of the governance survey.




Handouts & Attachments

  1. SEW Program Review Recommendations
  2. Out-of Cycle Faculty Requests
  3. Faculty Out-of-Cycle Revised Form Summer 2017
  4. 2015-16 Total Success Rates by Ethnicity Example
  5. Instructional Faculty Prioritzation Package 2
  6. Student Equity Workgroup Proposal for IPB on Practices
  7. 2015-2016 Online Success Rates by Ethnicity Example
  8. Faculty Prioritization Fall 2016 Revised
  9. New Initiative Proposal Summer 2017
  1. PRC Charge Fall 2015
  2. PACR Oct 2016 MMon New Initiative Form
  3. Faculty Prioritization Possible Data Elements Aug 7
  4. PRC Suggested Revisions to Charge 9.17.14v3 Summer 2017
  5. New Initiative Proposal Summer 2017
  6. Updated IPB Summer Agenda - Version Aug. 29, 2017
  1. Faculty Prioritization from 2012 Gov Handbook
  2. Anthropology Program Review Observations Example V2
  3. IPB Proposed Instructional Program Review Template - PDF | WORD
  4. New Initiative Proposal V4
  5. Program Review Timeline 2016-17
  6. Program Review FAQs Draft
  7. IPB Summary 2017 (DOCX)

Task Force Membership - Summer 2017

Members: Lakshmi Auroprem‎; Adrienne Hypolite‎; Allison Herman‎; Micaela Agyare‎; Dawn Girardelli‎; Andrea Hanstein‎; Lisa Ly‎; Ruby Sodhi‎; Kristy Lisle‎; Laureen Balducci‎; Rachelle Campbell‎; Cleve Freeman‎; Craig Gawlick‎; Carolyn Holcroft‎; Kurt Hueg‎; Elaine Kuo‎; Andrew Lamanque‎; Debbie Lee‎; Kent Mcgee‎; Cara Miyasaki‎; Denise Perez‎; Karen Smith‎; Paul Starer‎; Denise Swett‎; Lan Truong‎; Bret Watson‎; Donna Wolf

Ex-Officio: Elaine Kuo, Kurt Hueg, Karen Smith, Kelaiah Harris

Task Force Contact Information