
Integrated Planning and Budget (IP&B) Task Force 2015

The Integrated Planning and Budgeting Process (IP&B) Task Force has was given a new charge at the end of the 2014-2015 year. PaRC has asked IP&B to focus on the following tasks:

  1. Review the Program Review Committee (PRC) charge to consider whether PRC should be able to report themes / observations occuring across program reviews, make college-wide recommendations to improve college effectiveness, and point out duplication of resources / services across programs.
  2. Review comprehensive program review prompts with the goal of making the sought after answers easier to arrive at.
  3. Reviw the AUO process in terms of what areas should be included or covered.
  4. Consider whether to shorten the annual program review - perhaps asking ony 3-4 questions.
  5. Review the linkages and continuity between the annual and comprehensive program reviews.
  6. Review the length / extend the comprehensive program review cycle.


Agenda / Minutes

Notes & Presentations


Final IP&B Proposals

  1. - Approved by PaRC on 01.20.16
  3. Change to PRC Charge - Approved by PaRC on 10.21.15
  4. - Approved by PaRC on 10.21.15; Ammended on 01.20.16
  5. - Approved by PaRC on 10.21.15

Final Program Review Template Proposals - Approved by PaRC on 10.21.15

  1. Annual Template
  2. Comprehensive Template - Instructional
  3. Comprehensive Template - Student Services
  4. Comprehensive Template - Administrative Unit

Taskforce Contact Information