
Integrated Planning and Budget Task Force 2012

The Integrated Planning and Budgeting Process Task Force has was given a new charge at the end of the 2011-2012 year. PaRC has asked IP&B to focus on the following tasks:

  1. Finalize 2012-13 Annual Program review template for distribution end of summer
  2. Finish 2012-13 Comprehensive template to bring to first official PaRC Meeting (October)
  3. Finish Program Discontinuance/Program Creation Process drafts, bring to PaRC in fall
  4. Review language in program review and core mission workgroup charge re: Equity

The purpose of this Task Force is to lead the effort in creating and improving an integrated planning and budget structure that demonstrates “sustainable quality improvement” in response to 2002 Standards of Accreditation as established by ACCJC. The Task Force, convened by the Office of Instruction and Institutional Research includes membership of each core mission workgroup as well as the Planning and Resource Council.


Activities & Tasks


Notes & Presentations


Task Force Meeting


Draft Annual Instructional PR
Draft Annual Student Svs. PR
Draft Annual Admin. Unit PR
Draft Comp. Instructional PR

7/24/2012 Task Force Meeting Agenda
Final Draft Annual SS
Draft Annual AU
Draft Comp. Instructional
8/8/2012 Task Force Meeting Agenda
Draft of Discontinuance and Creation Policies
Approved PRC Charge and Procedures

Final Draft Annual AU
Final Draft Comp. Instructional
9/11/2012 Task Force Meeting Agenda
Final Draft of Discontinuance and Creation Policies
Final Draft Comp. Instructional PR
Final Draft Comp. SS PR
Final Draft Comp. AU PR

Taskforce Contact Information

  • Kimberlee Messina, Vice President, Instruction and Institutional Research
  • Dolores Davison, Academic Senate President
  • Chris White, Classified Senate Past-President
  • Darya Gilani, Coordinator, Office of Instruction and Institutional Research