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Disability Resource Center

What We Offer: DRC Services

The team in the Disability Resource Center (DRC) will work with you to be sure you have access to all areas of college life. If you are a student who is attending Foothill College, the links below will help you learn about  some of the supports that may be available to provide access.

About Clockwork

Requesting accommodations in Clockwork should be done every quarter. 


Counselors in the DRC can assist with scheduling classes, connecting you to resources, and many other things. Make an appointment to meet with your counselor in Clockwork. 

Alternative Media

Alt Media is providing academic and instructional materials in a format that supports access for a student with a disability.

Note Taking Accommodation

Note taking provides access to learning for some types of disabilities. There are many different types of note taking accommodations. 

Accommodated Testing

Testing accommodations are provided thorugh the Foothill Testing and Assessment Center in partnership with DRC. 

Mobility Services

The mobility cart is a limited service offered to registered DRC students who have the service approved and is also based on staff availability to drive. To inquire about mobility cart services for the quarter, please complete this form: 


Computer Access Center (CAC)

The CAC provides accessible technology, a quiet place to study, and technology training for students with disabilities 

Learning Disability Assessment and Services

The DRC offers Learning Disability assessments as well as workshops to learn more about learning disabilities. 

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services (DHH)

性奴调教 provides communication access for students through ASL and closed captioning. 

Grievance Process and Procedure

Students have a right to due process. You can learn more about this process online


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We're Here to Help!

Disability Resource Center Virtual Front Desk


Questions? Who to Contact

Student Resource Center Building 5400

View Disability Resource Center Hours
