Disability Resource Center
Resources and Forms
Alternative Media Request Form
Alternative media is any classroom material that is converted or altered into a different format, such as electronic text, audio books, large print, braille, and tactile graphics.
- Learn more to see if you qualify or learn how to request alternative media for your classes.
Audio Recording Contract
The audio recording contract is for students who have Audio Recording Lectures as an accommodation.
Please fill out this form and send it to our Assistive Technology Coordinator, Jessica Alarcon at AlarconJessica@fhda.edu
Booking a Test and No-Show/Cancellation Policy
Directions on how to book your test. More information can be found on the TAC home page.
Accommodated Testing No Show/Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel your testing appointment, please contact the TAC at 650-949-7743 or fhtesting@fhda.edu at least 24 hours in advance.
Please note that it is the responsibility of the student who has made or requested
appointments in the Testing & Assessment Center (TAC) to inform the center of any
cancellations. By not informing the
TAC of your nonattendance, you may be taking a seat away from a fellow student.
Students who have scheduled testing appointments must notify the TAC in the event any of the following occurs:
- Cancellation of an appointment
- Anticipated late arrival past the scheduled appointment time (Students may have that amount of time deducted from their exam or extended time)
- Absence from a scheduled appointment
- Decision to take the exam in class during the regular class administration of the test
- Course drop or withdrawal: it will then be assumed that future scheduled appointments for that class may be canceled by the TAC.
No-Show Consequences
Due to hours of operation and staff availability, two (2) unexcused no-shows may result
in a student having their testing accommodation services suspended for the quarter.
- An unexcused no-show is defined as a failure to cancel your appointment at least 24
hours in advance.
- After two no-shows, students will need to meet with the DRC Supervisor to schedule future testing appointments; this will allow them to understand the reason for the no-show and build techniques to avoid it in the future. Any appointments scheduled ahead of time will be tentative until further notice.
- This does not apply to appointments missed due to an emergency. If an emergency occurs, please inform the TAC of the circumstances as soon as possible.
- Any makeup exams must require a valid excuse and subsequent approval from the instructor.
DRC Orientation Slides
An overview of the Disability Resource Center and the services and support we provide.
DRC Student Job Applicaton
If you are a student interested in working at the Disability Resource Center, Computer Access Center, or with our Tools for Transition to Work program, please fill out this application:
Intake (How to Sign up for the DRC)
A visual guide on how to sign up for the DRC.
To learn more, visit Steps to Register with DRC
Memory Aide Guidelines
Verification of Disability Form
Please fill out this form if you do not have a document or letter verifying your disability.
Note-Taker Requests and Application
If you are receiving the note-taker accommodation and would like to request a note-taker for your courses, please fill out the below request form.
If you are interested in serving as a note-taker for a DRC student, please complete the application below.
Requesting Accommodations
After you meet with a DRC counselor and create an accommodations plan, you can then request accommodations for your courses through Clockwork.
This letter request will be emailed to your instructors so they know what accommodations you need for their course.
Release of Information
This document grants an individual the ability to authorize a healthcare provider
or another entity to share specific details from their medical records with our office
or permits our office to disclose disability-related information to other entities.
It specifies the type of information, the recipient, the purpose of disclosure, and
expiration date.
Release of Information Form
Schoettler Book Voucher Application
Students with a physical disability may be eligible for the Schoettler Book Voucher.
These funds can only be at our Foothill store to purchase textbooks and any other required materials for classes. Read more to see if you are eligible and can apply.

We're Here to Help!
Disability Resource Center Virtual Front Desk
Student Resource Center Building 5400
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