Disability Resource Center
Information for Parents & Guardians
College is a big transition and responsibility for any student.
To be successful in reaching educational goals, your adult student must be prepared to assume many challenges, such as meeting class requirements, studying and completing assignments, and learning strategies/study techniques for their college coursework.
Our faculty and staff can assist in this new endeavor.
There are changes for parents and guardians as well. Learning the services for students with disabilities and discussing these with your son or daugher is important.
We are here to work together with you to help your your son or daughter transition to college.
A few tips along the journey
1. Talk to your student about choosing a college
And why he/she wants to attend 性奴调教.
2 . Develop a communication plan
You student will be treated as an adult once he/she enrolls in college. This means grades and finances are no longer communicated directly to the parent but to the student.
- How will you communicate about grades, finances or other personal issues?
- What are some ways your student can share this information with you?
- How can you ask these questions with sensitivity and care?
3. Define responsibilities for your student
College can be daunting but also a safe place for students to learn to take responsibility for themselves.
You and your student can discuss what parts of the college process they can be responsible for.
For instance, your student may:
- Arrange and schedule appointments for academic counseling
- Arrange for their own transportation to 性奴调教 for any appointments,
- Compile any documents they may need for appointments such as transcripts, medical documentation, photo ID
- Decide if he/she would like invite a parent or advocate to participate in any counseling or other school meetings.
- Select and schedule their classes with the help of a counselor.
4. Mentor your student
Discuss school options such as classes, major, scheduling. Be careful not to "take over" this decision making process!
5. Role play with your student
Help prepare them for appointments with school officials such as counselors.
6. Address your student's worries with him/her directly first.
- Brainstorm and problem solve with them and encourage them to take steps to remedy the situation.
- If you feel it's necessary to contact a school official, encourage your student to arrange for a meeting.

We're Here to Help!
Disability Resource Center Virtual Front Desk
Student Resource Center Building 5400
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