Disability Resource Center
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing impaired students work with a DRC counselor and the Accommodations Instructional Technology Coordinator (AITC), Jessica Alarcon to schedule appropriate classroom support services.
- Since such services take time to arrange, it is important to register for classes during the priority period.
- Later schedule changes may result in a delay in service.
- In order to be eligible for services, a student with a hearing loss must have an recent audiogram verified by a physician or other appropriate professional.
- Documentation must be on file in the DRC office before services can begin.
Services Include:
Sign Language Interpertation
An interpreter who provides communication access in sign language. Interpreting requests for events outside of the classroom will need to be made by the sponsoring department or organization. DRC can be utilized as a resource for referral information.
Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART)
CART is a word-for-word speech-to-text communication access service. A CART provider is physically located in a remote location who is able to hear the audio through a microphone system set up in the classroom. The CART provider transcribes 100% of what gets said using a specific software application. The text is displayed simultaneously to one or more students via laptops or tablets via internet.
Typewell Captioning
Typewell are meaning-for-meaning interpretations of communication in a classroom by typists specially trained in text-condensing strategies. Fewer words are produced than with CART. Similar to CART, the typist鈥檚 laptop is connected to a screen where the student reads the words typed.
Faculty Assistance with Captioned Videos
DRC and our Online Learning Team works with faculty to ensure captioned videos or transcribed podcasts are used during their classes.
Students approved for this accommodation will work with the Accommodations Coordinator and receive supplemental notes.
When a note-taker cannot be found, students eligible for this accommodation should contact our AITC to discuss interim alternative solutions for note taking.
Assistive Listening Devices
ALD is a personal amplified listening system primarily for individual use. It consists of two devices: a transmitter/microphone for the speaker and a receiver for the listener. The receiver with earphones, a neckloop, or an ear bud will allow direct audio from the microphone to the student without extraneous noise. FM systems are available at the CAC and can be loaned out to qualified students at no charge on a quarter-by-quarter basis.
Additonally, students have access to testing adjustments, academic, career and personal counseling, academic coaching and access to our Computer Access Center.
How to Request an Interpreter or Captioner
- First, register with the DRC by completing our DRC Online Intake, which can be found in MyPortal under the Clockwork Portal.
- All request must be submitted at least two (2) weeks in advance of on ongoing class, and five (5) business days for special assignments.
- Make an appointment with our AITC over email alarconjessica@fhda.edu
**Students are required to notify the DHH Coordinator if they will not be attending
class so that services can be cancelled.
For more information please contact Jessica Alarcon (Assistive Technology Coordinator) at alarconjessica@fhda.edu or 650.949.7039

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Student Resource Center Building 5400
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