Financial Aid
Apply for Financial Aid
Applying for financial aid is easy and convenient.
性奴调教 PromiseMost first-time, full-time students are eligible to have the cost of tuition and basic student fees paid for their first TWO years! Review requirements to receive 性奴调教 Promise. |
Follow Steps 1-4
Complete the Application that Applies to You
Students are encouraged to apply by March 2nd in order to be considered for most types of financial aid. Students can apply Oct 1st through June 30th for the following academic year.
Foothill Federal School Code
You must add Foothill school code 001199 in order for your application to be received by the Financial Aid Office.
(FAFSA) Free Application for Federal Student Aid
If you are a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or , complete the to be reviewed for federal and state aid.
View a on how to complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA application.
(CADAA) California Dream Act Application
If you are a undocumented student and meet the qualifications of AB 540 (Assembly Bill 540) complete the to be reviewed for state based aid.
View a that has tips for completing the California Dream Act Application.
Monitor Your Application Status
It can take up to a week for the Financial Aid Office to receive and review your application.
Make a note to check your a week after you apply to see if you need to provide any further documention.
- Log in to with your 8-digit CWID
- SELECT Apps from menu
- Under students, select the Financial Aid App
- Click on your Financial Aid Requirements
- Choose the current year you are attending
Additional actions will be listed if needed, please be sure to carefully read what each action is requesting and complete the task. You should check your requirements section weekly until your financial aid is awarded.
Not all students may be required to complete additional actions.
Check your Award Status
After all documentation has been submitted and determined complete. It can take up to 2 weeks for the Financial Aid Office to determine your eligibility for financial aid.
You may check your award status within the Financial Aid App, located in your MyPortal account.
- Log in to with your 8-digit CWID
- Select Apps from menu
- Under students, select the Financial Aid App
- Click on Awards, then Awards for Aid year
- Select the aid year you are attending
- Using the navigation tabs to click on Award Overview
Your award overview will show what programs you were determined eligible for and how much of that award you are eligible to recieve each quarter. Please be advised offered amounts are based on what you can recieve as a full time student (12 Units).
In addition there are certain programs that may require you to accept your awards (such as student loans) through the Accept Award Offer tab.
You may review the disbursement dates which advises on when you can expect to receive your financial aid awards.
We encourage you to make an appointment with the financial aid office should you have questions.
Check your College Financing Plan
- LOG IN to
- CLICK Apps on the left menu
- CLICK the Financial Aid app in the Students section
- CLICK the "Awards" link
- CLICK the Financial Aid tab at the top of the page
- CLICK the "College Financing Plan" link
Maintaining your Eligibility
Students are encouraged to familarize themselves with the terms & conditions required to maintain thier eligbilty for Financial Aid. This includes reviewing the policy surrounding maintaining (SAP) Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Students are encouraged to contact the financial aid office in advance if they anticipate:
- Dropping classes after the start date of the quarter
- If you do not pass more than 67% of your attempted units or maintain a 2.0 GPA for more than two quarters in a row.
Any of these actions can effect the amount of financial aid a you are eligible to recieve or effect your eligibility to recieve financial aid for future quarters.
Cal Grant Community College Entitlement (E3) Award Deadline: Sept. 2, 2024Community College Students OnlyThe Cal Grant Community College Entitlement Award is for students attending a California Community College (CCC). Applicants must submit a FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application, plus a verified Cal Grant GPA to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) by September 2. If you've attended 性奴调教 within the last 5 years and completed at least 24 units prior to the September 2 deadline, we will automatically send your GPA information to CSAC. |
Estimate Your Federal Student AidBefore you complete the FAFSA form, the Federal Student Aid Estimator can help you understand your options to pay for college or career school by providing an early estimate of your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and eligibility for federal student aid. |
Tips & Resources to Help Students in Unique Situations and Population
Certain students face unique challenges when applying for financial aid. These tip sheets and resources are designed to help unique student populations overcome these challenges to successfully navigate the financial aid process.

We're Here to Help!
Financial Aid Office
Building 8100, Room 8101
Make an Appointment |
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