Financial Aid FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What do I do once I take out a student loan?
Before taking out your first loan, you must complete an entrance counseling online
that explains your rights and responsibilities as a borrower. Once you take out a
loan, it is important that you keep your college informed of any changes in your address
or enrollment plans. Before you leave college (including withdrawing, transferring
or graduating), you should complete an exit interview online which will cover your
payment obligations and the number of options available to you as a borrower. If at
any time you have questions regarding the repayment of your loans, contact your lender
or the Financial Aid Office.
Q. I was offered a loan, but I'm not sure I should take it; how do I decide?
Because of the limited gift aid available, students are usually offered one or more
educational loans. Although loans are helpful in meeting the cost of education, they
must be repaid with interest. Therefore, carefully consider the amount you are borrowing.
Remember, the amount you borrow this year will be added to other loans you have or
will be taking out in the future. You may want to look at your budget and see if there
are ways you can minimize your borrowing. Also, consider the differences in loans,
such as the interest rate, when that rate is assessed, the amount you'll be borrowing
and repayment options.
Q. Can my parents and I both apply for loans?
Yes. Loans are available for both parents and students. Parents may borrow for their
undergraduate students through the PLUS loan program. However, the total amount borrowed
(by both you and your parents), cannot exceed the cost of your education. Please note: Foothill does not offer or process parent PLUS loans. This is for informational
purposes only.
Q. Are my parents responsible for my educational loans?
No. However, parents are responsible for the Federal PLUS loans. Parents will only
be responsible for your educational loans if you are under 18 and they co-sign your
loan. In general you and you alone are responsible for repaying your educational loans.
Please note: Foothill does not offer or process parent PLUS loans. This is for informational
purposes only.
Q. If I take a leave of absence, do I have to start repaying my loans?
Not immediately. The subsidized Stafford loan has a grace period of 6 months before
the student must begin repaying the loan. When you drop below half-time enrollment
you will not have to repay your loan until the grace period is used up. If you use
up the grace period, however, when you graduate you will have to begin repaying your
loan immediately. It is possible to request an extension to the grace period, but
this must be done before the grace period is used up. If your grace period has run
out in the middle of your leave of absence, you will have to start making payments
on your student loans.

We're Here to Help!
Financial Aid Office
Building 8100, Room 8101
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