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Financial Aid FAQs

Scholarships FAQs

Q. When can I apply for scholarships?

Most scholarships are posted on our website Financial Aid Programs under the "Scholarships" link. If you click on the link, you will enter into a section of scholarships that are generally advertised in mid-October and have a deadline of mid-February.

To apply for one or more of scholarships from this section, you would need to complete a general application. Once you have completed the general application, you can begin applying for Foothill scholarships that you meet the qualifications for.

If you click on "" link, you will enter into a scholarship section where 性奴调教 posts a vast variety of scholarships offered by different agencies. This application process is different from the one above. Students must follow guidelines of an individual scholarship and apply for each of them separately.

Third section of the 性奴调教 Scholarship Page is the "Additional Scholarship Recourses". This section provides more links and search engines where students may look for additional scholarship funds.

Q. I received a scholarship. Do I have to report it to the Financial Aid Office? How?

Yes, you do need to report it to the Financial Aid Office. You may contact the Financial Aid Office in writing that you have received a scholarship. Make sure that you include the name of the scholarship and the amount, your name and student ID number or Social Security Number on your correspondence.

Q. I will be receiving a scholarship from my high school. How will this scholarship be treated in my Financial Aid award?

Federal regulations require that all Financial Aid assistance you receive be taken into consideration when awarding aid. This means that outside scholarships must be used to meet your financial need. The college will use any outside scholarship you are awarded to replace an equal amount of loan or work-study funds you would have otherwise received before they reduce your grant aid.

Q. If I am awarded a scholarship, how will I get the money?

Scholarship funds are disbursed to students through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. For more information, visit the.

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