Apply & Register
Orientation for New Students
If you are a new student at Foothill, you have three options for completing your orientation requirement to receive priority registration.
- First you must apply for admission so that you have your student identification number, also known as your campuswide ID or CWID, to sign up for any of the options.
- Before starting orientation, we recommend that you check your assessment placement results.
- If you choose to take CNSL 5 or attend an in-person Enrollment Day workshop, you'll meet with a counselor to complete your education plan at that time. If you choose the online orientation option, you'lll need to make an appointment with a counselor after orientation to complete your education plan.
Options for Completing Orientation
Online Orientation
Online Orientation is self-paced and can be completed in one sitting or multiple sittings. There is no charge for enrolling in this Canvas course.
- Go to the .
- Log in with your Campuswide ID.
Note: If you have trouble logging into the online orientation, contact the Admissions & Records office. - Click the "Enroll in Course" button to register for Online Orientation.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the orientation.
- When you are finished, don't forget to make an appointment with a counselor to get help with your education plan!
Counseling 5 (1-Unit Course)
Take Counseling 5: Introduction to College to complete orientation and all other steps for priority registration.
You'll learn about academic policies, resources, programs and services; tools for career exploration, determination and decision making; choosing the right classes based on career/academic goals, the transfer process; study skills; time management and formulation of computer based educational plans.
For course dates and times, see CNSL 5 in the schedule of classes
Enrollment Days Workshop
During our College Kickstart Events — held during summer prior to fall registration and during priority registration dates for winter and spring — you'll have opportunity to complete all steps to receive priority registration for the term.
Steps include: Assessment for placement, Orientation and an Education Plan.
Note: The annual Welcome New Student Orientation the week before fall quarter begins does NOT meet the orientation requirement for priority registration. |

Need Help?
Contact Us!
Admissions and Records
Student Services Building 8100, Room 8101
View In-Person & Virtual A&R Office Hours
Academic Dates & Deadlines
Spring recess runs through April 4.