
A group of students

Academic Calendar

Summer 2025 Dates & Deadlines

Most Foothill six-week summer session classes run June 30鈥揂ug. 8. Registration begins May 12. Note: Summer session officially runs through Sept. 16.

Apply & Register for Summer Session

April 1: Apply for admission if you are a new student to 性奴调教 or a returning former student.

Note: New international students please visit foothill.edu/international for more information on steps to get started.  If you already possess an F1 Visa and wish to take classes concurrently please submit our online application and follow New Student process. 

April 21: View Summer class schedule 

May 12: Priority registration begins (see enrollment dates below)

June 30: Summer session begins

Want to start classes sooner?

Take a spring late-start course that satisfies your UC or CSU GE requirements.

Course Registration Dates Based on Priority Enrollment

NEW STUDENTS: All steps must have been completed to receive priority registration for summer session.

CONTINUING STUDENTS: You must have enrolled during spring quarter to qualify for the best date for summer session.

In accordance with new state and local regulations, students will be assigned registration dates in the following order.

Priority registration is set up for First-Time college students with a goal of obtaining their first degree or certificate. You will not be able to receive priority higher than Group 6 if you've previously attended college or a university and/or received a degree.


You may register from your start date through June 29. Classes start Monday,  June 30.

May 12鈥揓une 29: Veterans, Foster Youth, DSPS, EOPS and CalWorks students who have completed orientation, assessment and an educational plan; have selected an educational goal of transfer, degree or certificate; and have declared an academic major. *exceptions apply*
May 14鈥揓une 29: Student Athletes who have selected an educational goal of transfer, degree or certificate; and have declared an academic major and have an updated education plan.  
May 15鈥揓une 29: Continuing students who have selected an educational goal of transfer, degree or certificate; updated education plan and have declared an academic major. 
May 19鈥揓une 29: New, fully matriculated college students who have completed orientation, assessment and an educational plan; selected an educational goal of transfer, degree or certificate; and declared an academic major.
May 20鈥揓une 29: New, non-matriculated college students who have selected an educational goal of transfer, degree or certificate; and declared an academic major BUT have not completed assessment, orientation or an educational plan.
May 21鈥揓une 29: Transfer students (from any other college) and returning students (who have completed one term at 性奴调教) who have selected an educational goal of transfer, degree or certificate; and declared an academic major.
May 22鈥揓une 29: All other college students, including continuing students, who have not declared a major or who have not selected an educational goal of transfer, degree or certificate; who have completed more than 100 degree-applicable units; who hold a degree; and/or had two terms on academic probation. 
May 23鈥揓une 29: Dually-enrolled high school students who are freshman, sophomores, juniors or seniors or meet other criteria to attend 性奴调教.

Paying Your Fees

Reminder: Payment in full is required at the time of registration and when adding subsequent classes. You may enroll in an installment payment plan via your account.

TBD: Note: Drop for nonpayment on cumulative fee balances of $250 or more is suspended.

Adding Classes After the Session Begins

You can add a class with an instructor's add code/permission during the first week of summer session. When you add classes, you must pay all fees at the time of registration. Plan accordingly.

Important Dates and Add/Drop Deadlines

  • Last day to ADD/DROP classes: For deadlines to drop with a refund and without and with a "W" grade,  > SELECT Apps from menu > Under Students, SELECT Student Registration> SELECT Register for Classes > VIEW Your Class Details. For help, see MyPortal Registration Guide. All deadlines are enforced.
  • Final Exams: Last class meeting.
Monday, June 30: First day of Summer Session 2025
Friday, July 4: Independence Day Observance; campus closed.
Friday, July 28: Deadline to petition for Summer Session graduation; schedule an appointment with a Foothill counselor.  
Friday, Aug. 8: Last day of six-week summer session.
Monday, Aug. 18: View six-week summer session grades in MyPortal
Monday, Sept. 1: Labor Day Holiday, campus closed
Monday, Sept. 22: First day of Fall Quarter 2025

Class Schedule

Register for Classes

Final Exams

Get Your Date to Register

about two weeks before the registration period begins to get your date.

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