Apply & Register
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who can attend ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì?
If you are age 18 or over, with or without a high school diploma, you may apply and register for courses at ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì. If you are under age 18 and have completed a GED or have passed the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE), you may also apply and register for courses at ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì. If you are a high school freshman, sophomore, junior or senior, you may also apply and register for courses at ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì after you have submitted required permission forms. Be certain to review Foothill's checklist for high school students. For more information about who may apply and register for courses at ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì, review residency requirements.
Note: If you are an international student with an F-1 Visa, review the application and registration instructions on the ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì International Students Program website.
Q. I am an international student. Can I attend Foothill?
ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì welcomes international students! If you are an international student with an F-1 Visa, review the application and registration instructions on the ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì International Students Program website.
Q. How do I apply?
If you are a new student, complete the admission application online. Go to ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì Online Application to get started. There is no fee to apply for admission to ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì.
- Click Create an Account; and
- Answer the questions and submit the application.
Note: You must reapply if you have previously taken classes at ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì but have been absent from Foothill for one or more quarters.
Q. What happens after I apply?
After you have submitted your application for admission and have completed the assessment test(s), you will receive an e-mail from ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì which will include:
- your date to register;
- instructions for registering for the 1.5-unit CNSL 5: Introduction to College course; and
- additional information about registration, fees, deadlines and student support services.
Q. When do I need to submit my application for admission?
The online application is generally available one month after the start of the previous quarter.
Q. Do I have to take assessment tests to be accepted by ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì? If so, how do I schedule an assessment test?
Assessment tests are not required to be admitted to ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì. However, if you are a new student and intend to earn an associate degree, certificate and/or transfer to a university, you must complete assessment tests in English, math and/or science. International students are also required to complete assessment tests in English, math and/or science.
Your assessment test scores will be used to place you in the appropriate class level so that you can successfully master concepts and progress to the next level of instruction.
Assessment tests are conducted by appointment at the ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì campus. Schedule
your assessments at
High School Students: Ask your high school counselor for scheduled on-site testing dates or access foothill.edu/assessment.
There is no fee for ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì assessment tests.
Q. I have taken assessment tests at another community college. Can I substitute those assessment test scores?
Yes, but only if the test is the same as the Foothill assessment test (Accuplacer). Bring your assessment test scores to the Testing Office (Room 8202) or fax scores to the attention of the Testing Office. The fax number is (650) 949-7024.
Q. What if I don't have a Social Security Number?
You do not need a Social Security Number (SSN) to apply and register for Foothill College courses. However, if you intend to apply for financial aid, you must provide your SSN.
If you are an undocumented student, we strongly recommend that you call the Foothill College Financial Aid Office for more information about applying and registering for courses at ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì, as well as determining if you qualify for in-state fees under AB 540. The law permits qualified undocumented students to be exempt from paying out-of-state fees at public colleges and universities in California. For more information, call (650) 949-7245.
Q. What is an educational plan and how do I get one?
An educational plan (also called ed plan) is an overview of your academic major, educational goals and the specific courses and requirements that you must complete to achieve your goal. To create an educational plan, schedule a counseling appointment.
Q. How do I select my classes?
If you are a first-time college student entering in the Fall Quarter, and/or intend to earn an associate degree, certificate and/or transfer to a university, register for the 1.5-unit CNSL 5: Introduction to College course during Foothill's Summer Session. If you do not complete the CNSL 5 course, you will not be permitted to register on your registration date. International students are also required to complete the CNSL 5 course.
To review the courses that are required to earn an associate degree, certificate and/or transfer to a university, schedule an appointment with a Foothill counselor or advisor. Review certificate and degree requirements online. These requirements are also published in the current ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì Course Catalog. Purchase the catalog in the bookstore or download it free at foothill.edu/catalog
Q. Do I need to register for CNSL 5: Introduction to College course?
If you are a new student who has not completed 30 units of college coursework or an associate degree or higher degree, you have the option to take CNSL 5 (see Counseling Courses and select quarter for current schedule) or a Kickstart Workshop to satisfy the orientation requirement for Priority Enrollment.
Q. How do I sign up (register) for classes?
Prior to your date to register, review the searchable class schedule and decide which classes you want to register for. On your registration date, access your account, click the Registration tab, follow the on-screen prompts to select your classes and remit all fees. Pay your fees at the time you register or you will be dropped from the class and your seat will be given to another student.
Q. Where are Foothill classes listed?
Review the searchable class schedule by logging into . Be certain to select the correct academic term (Fall, Winter or Spring quarter or Summer Session). For the most current course listings, always access the searchable class schedule.
Q. How much do classes cost at ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì?
California residents are charged a per-unit fee plus basic fees for Foothill classes. Nonresident students and international students pay additional fees. Review current fees and refund procedures on the student fees and tuition page. Fees are due when you register.
Q. When do I need to pay my fees?
Payment in full is required at the time of registration. There are several ways to pay your fees. Payment may be made online, by fax, by U.S. mail or in person. Foothill College accepts cash, personal checks, money orders, and Visa and Mastercard credit and debit cards. Please do not mail cash.
If you have a cumulative fee balance of $100 or more, you will be dropped from your classes on the drop-for-nonpayment date. Your seat will then be given to another student. Once you’ve been dropped, you must re-register for classes. However, there is no guarantee that preferred class times and dates will be available. If you have any unpaid balance, a registration hold will be placed on your student account. If you receive a registration hold, you will not be permitted to register for subsequent academic terms and you will not be permitted to order your transcript until all fees are paid in full.
Q. Where do I go to get help paying for college?
Financial aid is available to eligible students. For more information, access foothill.edu/financialaid/ or visit Foothill's Financial Aid Office (Bldg. 8100).
Note: International students are not eligible for state or federal financial aid. However, international students are eligible for ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì scholarships.
Q. When is the deadline to drop a class or get a refund?
Foothill enforces all deadlines; specific deadlines are listed in your class schedule via your account. Additionally, key dates are also listed at foothill.edu/calendar. Be aware of your rights and responsibilities by reviewing Refund Policies and Procedures.
NOTE: International students are responsible for knowing specific deadlines for the international program.
Q. How do I purchase a parking permit?
Purchase a parking permit online when you register. Log in to , click Account Choices and select Student Parking. You can also order your permit online then pay for it in person by visiting the cashier in the Admissions & Records Office.
Q. Where do I buy my books?
The Foothill Bookstore sells all course textbooks and related instructional materials. In addition to the on-campus bookstore (Room 2301), you can purchase textbooks online at .
The Foothill Bookstore offers you several options that can reduce the cost of textbooks, including purchasing used textbooks; purchasing e-books; renting textbooks; using textbooks that have been placed on reserve in the library; and selling your textbooks during book buyback. The ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì Bookstore is not responsible for textbook changes if the student purchases them from another source.
Q. How do I get my grades?
Final grades are submitted by faculty the week after final exams. Grades are then available to view via , and posted to your transcript approximately four weeks after the last day of final examinations. Be aware that several roll-up steps must occur before final grades and calculation of GPAs are available for you to view via your MyPortal.fhda.edu account. Once the roll-up process is complete, log in to to view grades via the View Grades and Unofficial Transcript links on the Students tab.
Q. Do I have an assigned counselor?
Q. How do I get a copy of my transcript?
Order transcripts via your account. Log in, click Apps and then select the Student Registration App. Once there view My Records and select Order Foothill Official Transcripts. You can also order transcripts online.
Q. How do I get enrollment verification for insurance or my employer?
You may request enrollment verification in person at the Admissions & Records Office. ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to provide enrollment and degree verification. Outside agencies must contact NSC directly for degree and enrollment verification.
Phone: (703) 742-4200
Fax: (703) 742-4239
E-mail: service@studentclearinghouse.org
Mailing Address:
National Student Clearinghouse
13454 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171
Q. Where can I find more information about ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì courses, majors and programs?
To learn more about Foothill degrees and certificates, access foothill.edu/programs or read the current ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì Course Catalog. If you intend to transfer to a university, bookmark and frequently review appropriate transfer courses at . You may also schedule a consultation with a Foothill counselor or advisor to discuss Foothill degree and certificate requirements as well as university transfer requirements.
Q. Where can I find more information about career-training programs?
ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì offers more than 35 workforce development programs that are designed to prepare you to compete for a rewarding career. Learn more about workforce development programs at foothill.edu/workforce/.
Foothill career counselors are also available to help you make informed decisions about career choices. To research various occupational fields, including salaries, duties, educational requirements and job outlooks, access Foothill’s Career Services website at foothill.edu/career/.
Q. Who can help me if my classes are hard and I need support?
Take advantage of free, on-campus tutorial services. Often, the most successful students are the ones who use the services of an academic support/tutoring center. Review the list of Foothill tutoring programs and services. Tutorial programs available include:
- Teaching & Learning Center: (Building 3600) — A support center for reading and writing assignments
- STEM Success Center (Room 4215) — a support center for physical science, math and engineering courses
- Pass the Torch (Building 3600)—a peer-to-peer tutoring program
- Online Learning Tutoring—tutoring services for students enrolled in online courses
Q. Who can help me with my graduation petition form or paperwork for university transfer?
We strongly encourage you to meet with a Foothill counselor/advisor at least once per quarter. At your first meeting with a counselor, you will develop an individual education plan—an essential tool that you will use throughout your Foothill experience. In addition to outlining your academic goals, your education plan lists the Foothill courses and requirements that you must complete to graduate and/or transfer to a university.
The second essential college planning tool is DegreeWorks, an easy-to-use, self-service degree audit. DegreeWorks looks at the ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì associate degree requirements, as well as the coursework you’ve completed at Foothill and other colleges to produce an easy-to-read audit. The audit explains how courses taken or proposed count toward degree requirements. DegreeWorks also allows you to plan future coursework and experiment with declaring and changing your academic major. Access DegreeWorks via your account.
When you are within one quarter of completing major requirements, generally the Winter Quarter before you graduate or transfer, you should meet with a counselor to review your educational plan and complete transfer paperwork and/or your petition for graduation.
Q. I'm the first person in my family to go to college. Is there a service to help me?
Yes! You may qualify for financial aid, EOPS, and other special services. For more information, visit the Foothill Financial Aid Office and review foothill.edu/financialaid/.
Q. If I get sick at school or have health questions, where do I go?
First, if you miss a class, notify your instructor by phone or e-mail. Next, visit the ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì Health Services Office (Room 2126) for a variety of free, over-the-counter medicines that may help you feel better. This office also offers first aid; physical exams; treatment for cough, cold and rash; sexually transmitted infection screening; pregnancy tests; birth control methods; treatment of urinary tract infections; HIV testing; immunization vaccines; and more. All services are confidential and offered at no cost or sliding fee scale. To learn more about available services, access foothill.edu/healthservices.
If you are experiencing stress, anxiety or crisis, schedule a free, confidential appointment with a counselor from the ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì Psychological Services Office (Bldg 5400) or call (650) 949-7910. If your problem is urgent, a same-day appointment may be made available. To learn more about available services, access foothill.edu/psychservices.

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Admissions and Records
Student Services Building 8100, Room 8101
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Academic Dates & Deadlines
Spring recess runs through April 4.