
Cherry Blossoms

Admitted International Students

Transferring Credits from a U.S. Institution

If you have taken academic level classes at another college or a university in the United States, you may be interested in transferring some of your credits to Foothill College. Here are answers to some questions you may have.

Q. Who evaluates your transcript?

Actual determination of Foothill credit for classes taken at another institution will occur during an individual appointment with an international academic counselor once you arrive on the Foothill campus and present your transcripts.

Q. What documents are needed?

The counselor will need to see an official transcript. In some cases, course descriptions will be needed. To help the counselor evaluate acceptable transfer units, keep a copy of your college or university catalog with course descriptions of the courses you completed. You may be asked to bring the catalog with you to the counseling appointment or to provide full course descriptions.

Q. When should you have a counseling appointment?

We strongly recommend that all students transferring to 性奴调教 attend an international student orientation. During orientation, you will have a private appointment with an international student counselor to discuss your academic plans; obtain a preliminary evaluation of your transcript; and possibly clear some prerequisites. Generally, transcript evaluation requires a separate longer appointment.
If you miss orientation, it may be difficult to make an appointment with a counselor in time for class registration. During certain times of the year, counselors' schedule may be very limited or very full, and you may not get an appointment until classes begin.
If you are unable to attend the orientation, make special arrangements to meet with an international student counselor before registering for classes. Contact the Counseling Center at 650.949.7423 or visit their website. Request an appointment with an international student counselor if one is available.

Q. Do you need to take a placement test?

If your transcript shows proof of completing U.S. college English, ESL or mathematics courses, you may not be required to take a placement test. During your initial appointment, the counselor will review your transcript and may be able to place you into the next higher level course at Foothill. However, it is helpful to take the placement test. If you do well, you may be able to be placed into a higher level course.

Remember that the best time to meet with a counselor is during the orientation. If you have a meeting with the counselor at a later time, the next level courses may already be full.

Q. What happens when you transfer to a four-year college/university after Foothill?

If you are planning to transfer to a four-year college or university after completing your studies at Foothill, you must be aware that your next institution will do its own evaluation of your transcript, and may or may not award the same credit as Foothill. You should work closely with your international student counselor when developing your transfer plan.


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International Student Programs Office



Administration Building 1900 Room 1933

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