Heritage & Health Series Program
Muslim Heritage Month
Celebrate Muslim Heritage with us April 2023! Peace, Purpose & Prosperity.
Thursday, April 13
President Welcome
Noon-1 p.m.
Library Quad
Meet Dr. Kristina Whalen, Foothill's newest owl and the SF Giants #1 fan! Join us for an SF Giants Owl-themed party by wearing your SF Giants gear and helping us start our MHM celebration.
Friday, April 14
Ramadan Dinner
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Dining Hall
Please join us for this on-campus evening event.
Wednesday, April 19
Spring Club Day
Noon–2 p.m.
Library Quad
Join us on campus to meet club members and student leaders face-to-face! Clubs will have tables set up and refreshments will be provided. More information about clubs.
Saturday, April 22
Day on the Hill
9:30 p.m.–2 p.m.
Meet at Smithwick Theatre Patio
Join us for a free, family-friendly open house — in-person this year! Learn more and RSVP to attend.
Tuesday, April 25
Health U Fair
Noon-1 p.m.
Library Quad
Be the healthiest version of YOU! Learn about wellness resources. Ask questions about safe drinking, safe sex, mental health and general wellbeing. Enjoy good food and drink, mocktails included! We look forward to seeing you there.
Wednesday, April 26
Eid Celebration
Noon–1 p.m.
Library Quad
Join us as we celebrate Eid with henna, music and food.

We're Here to Help!
Heritage Month Planning
Campus Center, Room 2008