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Heritage & Health Series Program

Jewish Heritage Month 2022

Wednesday,  Jan. 5

Welcome Week Jewish Heritage Month Booth

Noon–1 p.m.
On Campus  Dining Hall

We will kick off Jewish Heritage Month (JHM) with speakers, musicians, student panels, & food! Visit our JHM Booth in the Dining Hall to learn more about our events, get refreshments, and listen to Jewish music!

Wednesday,  Jan. 12

Jewish Heritage Month Opening & Tree Planting Ceremony

12:30–1:30 p.m.
Join by Zoom & Cesar Chavez Plaza

Let’s celebrate the start of 2022 and Jewish Heritage Month (JHM) with ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì Acting President Bernadine, ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì Chancellor Judy Miner, JHM Chairs: Eden Amsellem & Rachel Homayonfar, Jewish Community Relations Associate Julia Abramson, a tree planting Ceremony for Tu Bishvat, food, and music! Join us on zoom for the celebration at 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. in the Cesar Chavez Plaza for the tree ceremony & food.

Thursday, Jan. 13

Art History Lecture

12-1 p.m.
Join by Zoom

For Zoom access, please RSVP with your first and last name and CWID to Venicia Massey at masseyvenicia@fhda.edu

Tuesday,  Jan. 25

Film Discussion: The Jewish Journey

11:05 a.m.-12 p.m.
Join by Zoom

For Zoom access, please RSVP with your first and last name and CWID to Venicia Massey at masseyvenicia@fhda.edu

Wednesday,  Jan. 26

Leadership as a Lifestyle

Noon–1 p.m.
Join by Zoom

Join Activities Board Event Coordinator Eden Amsellem & ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì Student Trustee Rachel Homayonfar, and Maiyan Pearl; JHM Chair, Foothill alumna, and previous ASFC VP of Activities!

Thursday,  Jan. 27

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2022 Speaker

2–2:30 p.m.
Join by Zoom

Featuring Holocaust survivor and sculptor Gabriella Y. Karin.

Gabriella Y. Karin was born in Bratislava, Slovakia. As a young girl, she experienced the horror of World War ll and the Holocaust. She spent three years hidden in a convent run by nuns.  It was a boarding school and she had false papers with a different name.  Her identity indicated that she was a Christian girl and she had to behave accordingly.

She had to leave the Convent. The last 9 months of the war she was hidden by a non-Jewish man, Karol Blanar, who risked his life by hiding 8 Jewish people.

After the war Gabriella finished her education as a fashion designer and moved to Israel where she lived for 11 years.  She moved to the United States in 1960.  During this time, she worked as a fashion designer and production patternmaker.  After concluding a career in the fashion industry, she became a sculpture maker, well known for her depiction of experiences during the Holocaust.  She is an accomplished maker of clay sculptures and a recipient of many awards for her work.

She has many sculptures on permanent display in museums in the United States and in museums in Slovakia.

Realism are the hallmarks of Gabriella’s sensitive sculptures.  As a result of the experiences of her childhood some of her work is Holocaust related, illustrating an emotional response to the horrors of the time by showing pain and suffering.  Rather than depicting a sense of anger, Gabriella’s work and her lectures exudes hope that her story can prevent persecution and cruelty in the world.

For Zoom access, please RSVP with your first and last name and CWID to Venicia Massey at masseyvenicia@fhda.edu



Campus Center Building

We're Here to Help!

Heritage Month Planning



Campus Center, Room 2008

Heritage Month Archives

All events are free admission and sponsored by the ASFC OwlCard Student ID
and are part of the Heritage & Health Series Service Leadership Program.

Co-sponsored by Foothill Jewish Student Union and .
