EMT Program
Program Overview
All EMT classes are listed under the "Emergency Medical Services (EMS)" department in the schedule of classes.
Registration is open for EMS courses. Go to /reg to complete an application and begin your career in the medical field!
All EMS Programs are located at our Sunnyvale Center, at 1070 Innovation Way, Sunnyvale CA 94089.
We offer state-of-the-art equipment and lab rooms, making your paramedic education experience the best that can be offered! Visit our Sunnyvale Center website for more information about the campus.
Be a part of the professional team! On an ambulance, for a fire department or in an emergency room, the EMT is a vital link in the emergency medical service system.
About the Emergency Medical Technology Program
The program requires 6 months of didactic work (2 quarters):
First Quarter: EMS 52 (or EMS 401 for non-credit) Emergency Medical Technician Part A
Second Quarter: EMS 53 (or EMS 402 for non-credit) Emergency Medical Technician Part B
The second quarter has a required internship at a hospital Emergency Department and an ambulance responding to 911 calls.
Program Requirements:
- Students MUST be 18 years of age by the beginning of the second quarter.
- Students MUST have a current AHA BLS Provider CPR card prior to the start of the first quarter. (no other CPR cards will be accepted)
EMR is a prerequisite and must be taken prior to enrollment in our EMT programs (EMS 52/53 & EMS 401/402)
- Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the program director under specific circumstances. Contact the program director if you have any questions.
You may not take any of these classes concurrently - they must be taken in successive quarters.
The following classes are also offerred in a non-credit version:
EMS 400 (Emergency Medical Response)
EMS 401 (Emergency Medical Technician Part A)
EMS 402 (Emergency Medical Technician Part B)
The Non-Credit EMS class series is less expensive (per-unit tuition is waived) but no grades are issued and therefore will not show on any official transcripts. Other than that, the classes are the same. Potential students should consider which class series (credit -vs- noncredit) to take before enrolling. Students are not allowed to switch from non-credit to credit, or credit to non-credit.

We're Here to Help!
Health Sciences and Horticulture Career Support
Building 5200
Glenn Kurisu, BS EMS Program Director 408.745.8055 kurisuglenn@fhda.edu |
Nancy Cheung, MPA, Division Dean cheungnancy@fhda.edu |
Health Science & Horticulture Division |