Emergency Medical Services
Noncredit EMR and EMT Courses
Earn a 312-Hour Certificate of Completion
Registration fees are waived for non-credit courses.
Non-credit EMR: EMS 400
Non-credit EMT: EMS 401 & 402
Non-credit EMR and EMT courses are non-transferrable. If you are interested in EMT classes for general education credit or transfer to a four-year university, please contact the Counseling Department.
Students enrolled in non-credit courses do not pay registration fees however they are still responsible for associated costs related to EMR and EMT courses including books, uniforms, equipment. Please see the costs where noted in course descriptions below.
Students who successfully complete either the credit or non-credit course will receive a course completion certificate and are eligible to take the National Registry of EMT licensure exam.

We're Here to Help!
Health Sciences and Horticulture Career Support
Building 5200
Glenn Kurisu, BS EMS Program Director 408.745.8055 kurisuglenn@fhda.edu |
Nancy Cheung, MPA, Division Dean cheungnancy@fhda.edu |
Health Science & Horticulture Division |