Title IX - Stop Sexual Violence
ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì is committed to cultivating an inclusive teaching and learning environment by providing students and employees with equitable support, access, and opportunities for success. Title IX protects transgender and queer members of our community from gender-based harassment and discrimination. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator to learn more about trans and queer rights under Title IX.
Chosen Name and Gender Policy
Students are able select the first name and gender they would like used on internal college records, including class rosters, grade books, and student planning.
Both Foothill and De Anza colleges are in the process of extending this practice to Canvas and other campus databases.
To update your student information to include your chosen name and gender, fill out and submit a Change of Information Form, available in MyPortal.
> Apps > Student Registration > My Profile > Add My Preferred First Name (Foothill) to download form
You may also access the True/Preferred Name Change Request Form here.
Read more about .
Campus Resources
Gender & Sexualities Alliance Club (GSA)
GSA serves as a safe space for those trying to find community as well as a place where students can share struggles that can be solved together. On top of forming connections between students, the club also educates and advocates for a more equitable environment on campus in terms ofgender and sexuality.
- Meetings: Monday, 12-1:30 p.m. bi-weekly (contact ICC rep)
- ICC Rep: Sienna Segura, ​siennabantolo@gmail.com (see most current club list)
- Advisor: John Fox, foxjohn@fhda.edu
Community Resources
County of Santa Clara Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Affairs
Side by Side-Alameda County
National Center for Transgender Equality
The National Center for Transgender Equality is a social justice organization dedicated
to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration, and
Transgender Law Center
Transgender Law Center is a civil rights organization advocating for transgender communities.
Services include connecting trans-identified people and their families to sound legal
Campus Pride
Campus Pride is a national nonprofit organization working to create a safe college
environment for LGBTQ students. It develops necessary resources, programs, and services
to support LGBTQ and ally students on US college campuses.
The Human Rights Campaign
The Human Rights Campaign is the largest civil rights organization working to achieve
equality for LGBTQ Americans.
Resources for Instructors
Are We Missing Something?
This guide is a work-in-progress. Please contact Title IX Coordinator, Leticia Maldonado, at FHTitleix@foothill.edu if you can't find what you're looking for.

We're both here to talk at contact info below!
Catalina Rodriguez,
Title IX Coordinator
Anthony Cervantes,
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Campus Center, Room 2003