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Office of Instruction and Research
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Instruction & Research

Student Learning Outcomes & Assessment

FRAMES Projects


FRAMES Critical Thinking


FRAMES Computation


FRAMES Communication


FRAMES Community


Learning Outcomes and Assessment

FRAMES Communication Project

Foothill's Rubric Assessment Model for Evaluating SLOs
The purpose of FRAMES is to improve student learning on campus. Using Foothill's four institutional student learning outcomes (SLOs), teams of faculty volunteered to design assessment rubrics to test student artifacts for evidence of Critical Thinking, Computation, Communication, and Community/Global Consciousness. The following narrative is about the development and implementation of the Communication assessment rubric.

FRAMES: Communication Phase I (completed)
Fall Quarter 2007: Faculty from several different departments and divisions, after approval by the Academic Senate met December 2007 to kick off the FRAMES Communication project. Over the course of 2007-08, the team of faculty from Physical Education, History, Language Arts, and Communication developed the current draft Communication rubric. During 2008-09, the team will use student artifacts to continue to finalize and improve the current draft.

FRAMES: Communication Phase II (completed)
Fall Quarter 2008: narrative coming soon.

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