Research & Service Leadership Symposium
Mentor FAQs
Offer Your Expertise & Support to Students
The Research and Service Leadership Symposium (RSLS) celebrates extended project-based learning within and beyond the classroom. For many students the projects are completed within their courses, clubs, or programs, while for others the projects are developed independently. Either way, students need guidance to refine, develop, and finally present their projects!
The journey to complete a project can be an exciting but is often a formidable endeavor for many students. Every student can benefit from having their personal Virgil as they make this journey. This is where you come in!
Some students have already started projects for the RSLS, but many others are still seeking encouragement and mentors. You are invited and encouraged to share your expertise and enthusiasm to identify, motivate, and guide these students.
Have Questions? View the FAQs Below
We Are Here to Support You
As you support your mentees, we are here to support you. You don't need to mentor alone. We offer mentorship workshops each quarter to guide you in the process. And, more importantly, we have timely student workshops each quarter to provide RSLS participants with resources and tools for success to guide them every step of the way. By encouraging students to attend these workshops, you are supporting them as a mentor. We also welcome mentors to attend these workshops with students to clarify the steps further. When you become a mentor, you join the RSLS team.
Check Out our Workshop Series!
Become a Facilitator at the Symposium
As a mentor, you can also support your students by facilitating one of the Zoom rooms during the spring RSLS event. Your presence will be greatly welcomed by your mentee, and you will be able to experience the many wonderful projects developed by students across the disciplines. You can also invite new students from your classes, clubs, or programs to join you and see what the RSLS is all about, setting them up for the next year!
Want More Info?
Contact RSLS Coordinators, Allison Herman & Lisa Schultheis: RSLS@fhda.edu

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