Cashier's Office
Buy a Parking Permit
Parking Permits Not Required for Summer 2024-Spring 2025 Academic Year
Parking will be free in the Foothill and Sunnyvale campus parking lots.
NOTE: Citations will be given for vehicles parked out of the normal parking spaces, in handicap spaces without a display placard, and in red zones.
Parking Policy
Note exception above for 2024 Summer through 2025 Spring.
A parking permit is required at all times at the 性奴调教 main campus and at the Sunnyvale Center. When properly displayed, a permit authorizes you to park in any student lot. Failure to properly display a parking permit, except in 30-minute parking spaces, will result in a citation.
Parking permits are valid at 性奴调教, De Anza College, and the Sunnyvale Center.
There are three types of parking permit decals: annual, quarterly and day-use.
If you have a disability DMV placard or license plate, please see information below about Handicapped and Disability Parking Permits.
Parking Fees & How to Get a Permit
Day-Use Permits
- Purchase a day-use permit for $3 from vending machines in student parking lots.
- The parking permit machines accept credit/debit cards and cash (including all bills). However, they DO NOT make change (return cash over the amount of payment - $3)
- The day-use permit is valid on the date of purchase only.
- Before purchasing a daily permit, always find a legal parking space first.
- Park in marked spaces only!
Annual & Quarterly Permits
When you register for classes online, you may .
- If you use this method, you may print a short-term temporary permit that must be replaced by the permanent decal permit that will be mailed to the address you specify.
- You will be charged a service fee when you purchase a parking decal.
- If you are not an enrolled student at Foothill, De Anza, or the Sunnyvale Center, you will not be able to login to MyPortal to buy a parking permit.
- However, you can .
Annual Auto Permits (Non-Refundable)
- Summer Session $90 (valid for full year; Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring)
- Fall Quarter $70 (valid for Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters)
- Winter Quarter $50 (valid for Winter and Spring Quarters)
Quarterly Permits
- Auto - $26.65: Fall, Winter or Spring Quarters
- Auto - $20.00: Summer Session
- Motorcycle/Moped - $15.00
- California College Promise Grant (formerly known as the BOG [Board of Governors] Fee Waiver) eligible decal - $13.15
Handicapped and Disability Parking Permits
Designated handicapped parking spaces are located at Foothill in parking lots 1 (stadium), 2A, 4A-C, 5 and 8 (elevator accessible) for blue (long term) or red (temporary) "handicapped" DMV placards or license plates issued by the California State Department of Motor Vehicle. View campus map for exact locations.
Persons driving such vehicles
- are exempt from purchasing an FHDA parking permit;
- and may park in any designated blue "handicapped" parking space, or any student or staff space.
Temporary Disability Parking: Students who are temporarily disabled may apply for a college-issued Temporary Disability Parking Permit from the Disability Resource Center, Room 5801; or call (650) 949-7017. Important: Even though a Foothill-issued Temporary Disability Permit is displayed, vehicles are still required to display a current, valid FHDA parking permit.
Parking Enforcement
What You Need to Know
- Parking permits are required seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
- All vehicles must properly display a valid parking permit. Students are authorized to park in marked stalls in student lots only. Students may not park in stalls marked for disabled, staff, vendors, official vehicles or park in roadways, dirt areas or along parking lot curbing.
- Staff parking permits are required for all staff spaces. Staff permits are issued by the District Police Department.
- Special permits will be issued only by the District Police Department. The permit must be displayed on the dashboard or hang on the interior mirror so it can be read from the outside. Special permits are valid only when used within the areas and dates designated on the permit.
- The parking decal may be transferred between vehicles.
- Refunds for quarterly decals are available only when you drop all classes and return the decal to campus police within the the first two weeks of the quarter, or first week of Summer Session. Annual permits are non-refundable.
- There is no free replacement for lost, stolen, or damaged decals.
- Possession of a parking permit does not guarantee you a parking space. If the lot is full, you must try another student parking lot.
- Parking information is posted on signs at the entrance to 性奴调教 and every lot on campus.
The above regulations apply 365 days a year unless otherwise noted.
- Illegally parked vehicles can be cited and/or towed, even if class is not in session.
- Overnight parking is not allowed.
- Read all signs and road markings carefully.
- Be sure to park only in a marked space, clearly display your permit, and lock your vehicle.
Section 23113A of the California Vehicle Code grants the authority for the Foothill-De Anza College Police Department to enforce all Vehicle Code violations on the parking lots and roadways within the Foothill-De Anza Community College District property.
In addition, the District may adopt its own regulations to provide adequate parking and the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles.
On-campus parking, traffic and police matters are conducted by the Foothill-De Anza District Police Department. The complete list of college parking and traffic regulations is posted in the FHDA District Police Department in Room 2103. For more information, call 650.949.7313.
Please send an email to police@fhda.edu or call the Campus Police at 650.949.7313 for parking permit questions.

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Cashier's Office
Student Services Building 8100, Room 8101
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Academic Dates & Deadlines
Spring recess runs through April 4.