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Online Degrees & Certificates

AS in Computer Science

Program Description

Computer programming, algorithms, data structures, and languages play an increasingly important role in academic, science, and business careers. The Associate in Science degree satisfies the transfer requirements of many disparate 4-year colleges and universities. Our up-to-date curriculum is also valuable for enhancing the career opportunities of working professionals.

Learn more about the program on the Computer Science website.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to use standard software engineering tools to create reusable code.

Students will be able to design a large program that takes advantage of existing code libraries.

Students will be able to organize a complex program in a logical way, enabling the extension of the program.

Students will be able to comprehend user requirements and produce code and documentation in an industry-accepted style that satisfies those requirements.

Students will be able to develop software that solves problems in a variety of fields, including math, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, business, and the internet.

Students will be able to design and implement security policies for organizations of all sizes (Cybersecurity certificate).

Career Opportunities

The local Silicon Valley industry continues to need qualified software engineers, system administrators, software quality assurance engineers, and systems integrators.

Award Type(s)

AS = Associate in Science Degree

Units Required

Major: 56

Online Courses for Computer Science

The courses listed BELOW are offered as online courses at least once every two years. Please see the Class Schedule for verification.

NOTE: Students having difficulty attaining an associate degree because of timing or availability of classes should consult with a counselor to submit a petition for course substitution.

Associate Degree Requirements

English Proficiency: Select one of the following
ENGL 1A Composition & Reading 5
ENGL 1AH Honors Composition & Reading 5
ESLL 26 Advanced Composition & Reading 5
or equivalent    
Ethnic Studies
Any course in the ETHN (Ethnic Studies) subject code, currently approved for Area F of CSU GE and Area 7 of IGETC
Mathematics Proficiency
College-level math course at or above the level of Intermediate Algebra

A minimum of 90 units is required* to include:

Completion of one of the following general education patterns: Foothill General Education, CSU General Education Breadth Requirements or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)

Core courses (38 units)

Support courses (18 units)

*Additional elective course work may be necessary to meet the 90-unit minimum requirement for the associate degree.

Note: All courses pertaining to the major must be taken for a letter grade. In addition, a grade of "C" or better is required for all core and support courses used for the degree or certificates.

Core and Support Courses

Core Courses

C S 10 Computer Architecture & Organization 4.5
MATH 1A Calculus 5
MATH 1B Calculus 5
MATH 1C Calculus 5
MATH 22 Discrete Mathematics 5
or C S 18 Discrete Mathematics 5
And select one option from the following:
Option #1: Java
C S 1A Object-Oriented Programming Methodologies in Java 4.5
C S 1B Intermediate Software Design in Java 4.5
C S 1C Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms in Java 4.5
Option #2: C++
C S 2A Object-Oriented Programming Methodologies in C++ 4.5
C S 2B Intermediate Software Design in C++ 4.5
C S 2C Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms in C++ 4.5
Option #3: Python
C S 3A Object-Oriented Programming Methodologies in Python 4.5
C S 3B Intermediate Software Design in Python 4.5
C S 3C Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms in Python 4.5

Support Courses (18 units)

Select 18 units from the following: 

C S 8A Introduction to Data Science 4.5
C S 20A Programming in C# 4.5
C S 22A Javascript for Programmers 4.5
C S 30A Introduction to Linux 4.5
C S 30B Linux Shell Programming 4.5
C S 30C Linux System Administration 4.5
C S 30D Advanced Linux System Administration 4.5
C S 30E Linux System Administration: Network Services 4.5
C S 31A Introduction to Database Management Systems 4.5
C S 40A Software Engineering Methodologies 4.5
C S 48A Data Visualization 4.5
C S 49 Foundations of Computer Science 4.5
C S 50A Network Basics (CCNA) 4.5
C S 55A Introduction to Cloud Computing In Amazon Web Services 4.5
C S 55B Database Essentials in Amazon Web Services 4.5 
C S 55C Compute Engines in Amazon Web Services 4.5
C S 55D Security in Amazon Web Services 4.5
C S 63A Developing Applications for iOS 4.5
C S 64A Writing Apps for the Android 4.5
C S 80A Open Source Contribution 4.5
C S 84A Database-Driven Web Application Development 4.5
MATH 1D Calculus 5
MATH 2A Differential Equations 5
MATH 2B Linear Algebra 5
PHYS 2A General Physics 5
PHYS 2AM General Physics: Calculus Supplement 1
PHYS 2B General Physics 5
PHYS 2BM General Physics: Calculus Supplement 1
PHYS 2C General Physics 5
PHYS 2CM General Physics: Calculus Supplement 1
Total Units   56

 Note that this is a list of fully online courses that satisfy degree requirements.

For a complete list of degree requirements, please visit .

Based on the 2024 - 2025 degree program.
