Math Course Offerings
Foothill offers a full range of math classes, including online, on-campus, hybrid delivery, and extra support options. Contact the Counseling Division with questions about your individual academic and career plans.
Extra Support Options
MATH 80 QUANTITATIVE REASONING. Students will be able to apply mathematical reasoning in their personal, professional, and academic lives, to investigate new contexts, develop and propose possible solutions, discuss and analyze proposed plans, and make decisions. Students will learn to value the collaborative process of explaining, investigating, comparing and assessing a variety of perspectives and approaches. Through immersion in contextualized lessons, students will practice quantitative thinking as they build skill in communication, critical and creative thinking, and computation. They will grow their knowledge and understanding of themselves, each other, and the world through the study of culturally relevant contexts, such as personal finance, health and wellness, membership in society, and the environment.
MATH 248A JUST-IN-TIME SUPPORT FOR PRECALCULUS I. A just-in-time approach to the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in Precalculus I. Intended for students majoring in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics who are concurrently enrolled in MATH 48A at 性奴调教. Topics include: a review of computational skills developed in beginning and intermediate algebra, including factoring, graphing linear equations, solving absolute value equations and inequalities, analyzing functions, including quadratic functions.
MATH 217/17 INTEGRATED STATISTICS I and II. The two-course Statway sequence. Covers concepts and methods of statistics with an emphasis on data analysis. Topics include methods for collecting data, graphical and numerical descriptive statistics, correlation, simple linear regression, basic concepts of probability, confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for means and proportions, chi-square tests, and ANOVA. Application problems will be taken from the fields of business, economics, medicine, engineering, education, psychology, sociology and from culturally diverse situations. More info from the instructor.
MATH 10 MPS: ELEMENTARY STATISTICS with EXTRA SUPPORT. An introduction to modern methods of descriptive statistics, including collection and presentation of data; measures of central tendency and dispersion; probability; sampling distributions; hypothesis testing and statistical inference; linear regression and correlation; analysis of variance; use of microcomputers for statistical calculations. Illustrations taken from the fields of business, economics, medicine, engineering, education, psychology, sociology, social sciences, life science, and health science. More info from the instructor.
MATH 217/17 INTEGRATED STATISTICS I and II. The two-course Statway sequence. Covers concepts and methods of statistics with an emphasis on data analysis. Topics include methods for collecting data, graphical and numerical descriptive statistics, correlation, simple linear regression, basic concepts of probability, confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for means and proportions, chi-square tests, and ANOVA. Application problems will be taken from the fields of business, economics, medicine, engineering, education, psychology, sociology and from culturally diverse situations. More info from the instructor.
MATH 10 ELEMENTARY STATISTICS. An introduction to modern methods of descriptive statistics, including collection and presentation of data; measures of central tendency and dispersion; probability; sampling distributions; hypothesis testing and statistical inference; linear regression and correlation; analysis of variance; use of microcomputers for statistical calculations. Illustrations taken from the fields of business, economics, medicine, engineering, education, psychology, sociology, social sciences, life science, and health science. Offered on-campus, online, and hybrid.
MATH 10 MPS: ELEMENTARY STATISTICS with EXTRA SUPPORT. An introduction to modern methods of descriptive statistics, including collection and presentation of data; measures of central tendency and dispersion; probability; sampling distributions; hypothesis testing and statistical inference; linear regression and correlation; analysis of variance; use of microcomputers for statistical calculations. Illustrations taken from the fields of business, economics, medicine, engineering, education, psychology, sociology, social sciences, life science, and health science. More info from the instructor.
STEM Sequence
MATH 48A PRECALCULUS I. Introduction to functions and families of functions, including linear functions, quadratics, power and radical functions, absolute value functions, piece-wise defined functions, transformations of these functions, composition of these functions and their use in solving application problems. Offered on-campus, and hybrid.
MATH 248A JUST-IN-TIME SUPPORT FOR MATH 48A. A just-in-time approach to the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in Precalculus I. Intended for students majoring in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics who are concurrently enrolled in MATH 48A at 性奴调教. Topics include: a review of computational skills developed in beginning and intermediate algebra, including factoring, graphing linear equations, solving absolute value equations and inequalities, analyzing functions, including quadratic functions.
MATH 12 CALCULUS FOR BUSINESS & ECONOMICS. A study of the techniques of differential and integral calculus, with an emphasis on the application of these techniques to problems in business and economics. Offered on-campus, online, and hybrid.
MATH 48B PRECALCULUS II. This course is a continuation of topics from MATH 48A. Topics include polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, transformations of these functions and their use in solving application problems.
MATH 48C PRECALCULUS III. This course is a continuation of topics from MATH 48B. Topics include the six trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, inverse trigonometric functions, trigonometric equations, right triangles, oblique triangles, vectors, parametric equations, and applications with various functions.
MATH 1A CALCULUS. Introduction to differential calculus, including limits, derivatives and their applications to curve-sketching, families of functions, and optimization. Offered on-campus, and online.
MATH 1B CALCULUS. Introduction to integral calculus including definite and indefinite integrals, the first and second Fundamental Theorems and their applications to geometry, physics, and the solution of elementary differential equations. Offered on-campus, and online.
MATH 1C CALCULUS. Introduction to functions of more than one variable, including vectors, partial differentiation, the gradient, contour diagrams and optimization. Additional topics include infinite series, convergence and Taylor series.
MATH 1D CALCULUS. Introduction to integration of functions of more than one variable, including double, triple, flux and line integrals. Additional topics include polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, parameterization, vector fields, path-independence,divergence and curl.
MATH 2A DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Differential equations and selected topics of mathematical analysis.
MATH 2B LINEAR ALGEBRA. A first course in Linear Algebra, including systems of linear equations, matrices, linear transformations, determinants, abstract vector spaces and subspaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, inner product spaces and orthogonality, and selected applications of these topics.
MATH 22 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. Set theory, logic, Boolean algebra, methods of proof, mathematical induction, number theory, discrete probability, combinatorics, functions, relations, recursion, algorithm efficiencies, graphs, trees.
Special Topics
MATH 42 MATH FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. Focuses on the development of quantitative reasoning skills through in-depth, integrated explorations of topics in mathematics, including real numbers systems and subsystems. Emphasis is on comprehension and analysis of mathematical concepts and applications of logical reasoning.
MATH 44 MATH FOR THE LIBERAL ARTS. A survey of mathematical models and other tools to introduce the nonspecialist to the methods of quantitative reasoning. Problem solving by Polya鈥檚 method with analytic, numeric, graphical, and verbal investigation. Selecting, constructing, and using mathematical models. Interpreting quantitative results in qualitative context. Emphasis on deductive reasoning and formal logic; algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric models; probability and the normal distribution; data analysis; and selected topics from discrete math, finite math, and statistics.
MATH 67 ENHANCED MATHEMATICS LEARNING WITH MATHEMATICA. An introduction to Mathematica mathematics software and its use as a tool for computation and visualization in mathematics and statistics. Use of Mathematica for solving problems taken from algebra and statistics through linear algebra and differential equations. Access to Mathematica provided at no additional cost.
MATH 70R INDEPENDENT STUDY IN MATHEMATICS. Provides an opportunity for the student to expand their studies in Mathematics beyond the classroom by completing a project or an assignment arranged by agreement between the student and instructor.
MATH 105 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA. Quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions and expressions with an emphasis on graphing and applications. Offered on-campus, online, and hybrid.
For More Information:
- Check the complete information in the
- Contact the Counseling Division with specific questions regarding transfer and career plans.

I'm Here to Help!
Matthew Litrus, Math Department Chair
Office Room 4132