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Marketing and Public Relations

Submit an Event Calendar Entry

The Foothill Events Calendar at foothill.edu/events is managed by the Foothill Marketing Office to promote on-campus or virtual Foothill events and activities open to students and other community members.


If you are a Student Club Organizer and wish to have your event added to the calendar, please submit your request with event details to ICC advisor Victoria Strelnikova at strelnikovavictoria@fhda.edu.

If this is an event for Faculty and/or Staff Only, please submit a request to Simon Pennington at penningtonsimon@fhda.edu to include in Parliament.

To Submit Your Request

Follow These 4 Steps

  1. Copy the Tell Us About Your Event numbered list below
  2. Paste into a new email using your .fhda.edu account
  3. Include REQUIRED* information and other specifics relevant to your event
  4. Send to BOTH marutovatanya@fhda.edu and ceballosjulie@fhda.edu

Tell Us About Your Event 

  1. *Event Title:
  2. *Date (s - if recurring weekly):
  3. *Start Time:
  4. *End Time:
  5. *Description:
  6. *For Questions, contact Name and Email:
  7. Website link for more information (if appropriate, not required)
  8. Sponsor(s)
  9. Cost: We will assume the event is free unless otherwise noted.
  10. *Location
    1. If on campus, provide building name and number Ex. Hearthside Lounge (2313)
    2. If location is via Zoom or includes a Zoom option, please provide a Zoom registration link or a Zoom link that includes a waiting room (with the event date and title when clicked on before it starts)
    3. If event requires an RSVP, please provide link to RSVP form.


Please email websupport@fhda.edu.


Marketing: Ask Us

Simon Pennington

Associate Vice President, Marketing


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Photo & Video Release Form
