
campus center

Facility Rentals


General facility rentals FAQs.

Q. How can I check for availability?

Please contact the Facility Rental Coordinator to inquire about availability. Please be prepared with the number of people attending your event and the set up you are envisioning as well as your preferred date(s).

Q. Do you rent rooms by the hour?

Yes, we do a minimum of 3 hours.

Q. Do you offer in house catering?

性奴调教's caterer Pacific Dining provides breakfast, Lunch, dinner, snacks and a full beverage service. Visit .

Q. Where can my guests park?

We have parking in open air lots around the campus. Your guests can pay as they arrive or you can arrange for pre-paid parking permits.

Q. Where can I find out more information?

Please read the General Facilities Rental or Fine Arts Rental policy.

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