Disability Resource Center
Clockwork & Requesting Accommodations
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About Clockwork
Clockwork is a complete scheduling and data management system for our Disability Resource Center, streamlining and simplifying processes for accommodated testing requests for students.
Students can make all accommodation requests — scheduling for appointments and tests/exams.
Instructors verify quiz and exam information, accommodations and upload testing materials.
To access Clockwork, follow these steps:
- LOG IN to
- From left menu, CLICK/TAP "Apps"
- Under Students, FIND and CLICK/TAP the ClockWork tile.
- SELECT Clockwork Foothill Disability Services
Find the following in the ClockWork App
- Online Intake (new DRC student)
- My Schedule (student appt. schedule)
- Request Accommodations (request an accommodation change for courses)
- Book a Test (schedule a test, mid-term, or quiz)
- Book an Appointment (schedule appt. with specialist or counselor)
Requesting Accommodations
Request your accommodations at the beginning of each quarter using the Clockwork app in MyPortal.
To use testing accommodations:
- Request to use your accommodations a minimum of 1 week before your exam date using the Clockwork app in MyPortal. (Remember: We cannot guarantee your testing accommodations if you request them with less than 1 week's notice!)
- Also contact your instructor 1 week before the exam date to discuss setting up your testing accommodations.
- If you and your instructor decide to use the Testing Center, schedule your test at the Testing Center.
Be sure to complete the above steps or your accommodations may not be acknowledged or provided.
Alternate Path for Requesting Accommodations
Students requesting accommodations who do not wish to utilize college Disability Resource Center services may call 650.949.7332.
Students must provide an official Verification of Disability signed by an appropriate professional.

We're Here to Help!
Disability Resource Center Virtual Front Desk
Student Resource Center Building 5400