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Dance Auditions

Auditions are held twice a year:

  • Audition for Resident & Touring Companies-First Friday of Fall Quarter and Winter Quarter only;
  • Original Student Works-First Week in March; and
  • Audition submissions are also accepted by video, DVD and/or by appointment.

EVERYONE must be REGISTERED for Repertory Dance (DANC 011) (3 units) and Optional Technique Classes include : Jazz I, Jazz II, Modern I (1unit classes).

Fall quarter we concentrate on getting back into shape/conditioning and welcoming NEW students to Company in preparation for Winter Showcase. We also introduce Favorite Repertory Numbers (General Company Choreography) that have formed a legacy of our 24 seasons. Winter quarter we celebrate the diversity of dance with an annual Dance Residency including Dallas Black Dance with lecture, demos, master classes, concert and reception and introduce resident student choreography.

Spring quarter is devoted to polish and performance opportunities including our annual formal concert at Smithwick Theatre and invited and guest performances for International Night, Asian Pacific Heritage Week, Civic, Charity, and Community events throughout California on tour.


General Company rehearsals are only one evening per week on Fridays 5 p.m. - 10:50 p.m. with a flexible and progressive schedule. Technical Week or "love" week occurs the week of show at Smithwick Theatre for blocking and dress rehearsal.

Open casting/diverse techniques policy
We welcome all shapes, body sizes and levels of technique in a broad spectrum of dance from hip hop to Ballet, ballroom to World Dance, Musical Theatre, Lyrical, Tap, Gymnastics, PLUS! Your own level of Commitment and Dedication are key. You get what you put into the process/rehearsal. Student choreographers are responsible for casting their own pieces. General Company Pieces are cast by the entire STAFF. In summary, we are OPEN & INCLUSIVE.


We do NOT require you to purchase Costume Catalog uniformed costumes. We celebrate originality, invention, creativity. All General Company Numbers will give you a broad theme-outline for you to purchase items which you can wear again or shop thrift stores, borrow, etc. Choreography Specific costumes are provided by Foothill Costume Bank. All costumes must be returned in the condition they are loaned or student is responsible for replacement cost. Originality and creativity encouraged. It is important to have a basic dance shoe: character shoes, jazz sneakers in BLACK.


Each year we are fortunate to have a TEAM of volunteer resident choreographers and Captains who bring a wide variety of different dance genres to our Company. They are your mentor and STAFF to assist and answer any questions.

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Dance Department



RM 2504, Dance Studio
