Child Development and Education
Start or Enhance Your Career
Explorations and Problem Solving: Good toys encourage children to solve problems and employ cognititve skills. Examples include puzzles, shape-sorters, nesting blocks or cups, and art materials like clay, paint and crayons. |
About Our Programs
Our child development programs provide a strong foundation of classroom and lab learning, preparing you for a rewarding career working with children
Our can help you get your first job in child development or enhance the career you've already started.
Join our one-year Early Childhood Educaiton Apprenticeship program, starting each fall, and gain an education while working full time in a quality preschool.
Degrees & Certificates
View list below for programs offered at Foothill. Then select program map for a possible schedule that fulfills program and college requirements.
We offer both degrees and certificates with a focus on early childhood development or elementary teacher education, and program supervision and mentoring.
For program requirements and full course listings, view .
Associate in Arts |
Associate in Arts or Science for Transfer Degrees |
Certificates of Achievement |
Choose a Child Development Focus
Our courses are designed to deepen understanding of children, their families and developmentally
appropriate practices while preparing students for careers in early childhood education.
Most classes are held at our Sunnyvale Center.
You have the opportunity to receive stipends for completions of specified coursework, get reimbursed for class fees, and earn an or transfer to a 4-year university to continue your studies.
Courses for General Education
Our child development program includes courses that may be taken as general education requirements for other majors.
See our for detailed descriptions.
See schedule of classes for courses offered this and upcoming term.
Core Classes
CHLD 1 Child Growth & Development: Prenatal through Early Childhood
CHLD 2 Child Growth & Development II: Middle Childhood through Adolescence
CHLD 8 Child, Family and Community
CHLD 51A Affirming Diversity in Education
CHLD 56 Observation & Assessment
CHLD 56N Principles & Practices of Teaching Young Children
CHLD 86A Mentoring the Early Care & Education Professional
CHLD 86B Practicum Student Teaching in an Early Childhood Program
CHLD 88 Child, Family & Community
CHLD 88B Positive Behavior Management
CHLD 89 Curriculum for Early Care & Education Programs
CHLD 95 Health, Safety & Nutrition in Children's Programs
+ many more electives
Social Media
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We're Here to Help!
Child Development Department
Sunnyvale Campus, 211Q
Division Office Contacts
Aaron Korngiebel, Division Dean Email: korngiebelaaron@fhda.edu |
Business & Social Sciences Division |
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