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Name Phone Email
Armstrong, Kathy 650.949.7487
Dunten, Peter
Ermut, Gorkem
Esfandiari, Melody
Kalyanaraman, Vijayalakshmi
Katsir, Gail
Khouderchah, Nada
Larson, Londa 650.949.7385
Lee, Sherman 650.949.7954
Li, Jimmy 650.949.7249
Liu, Kelley 650.949.7259
Lumangtad, Liezel
Mar, Brendan 650.949.7353
Martinovic, Valeria
McQueen, Trevor
Nguyen, Rosa 650.949.7421
Painter, Ron 000.000.-000
Rao, Sandhya 650.949.7627
Rezaei, Nayereh 650.949.7725
Ruhland-Fritsch, Beatrice
Salari, Amid 650.949.7725
Salehi, Niloofar
Shaw, Cayce
Stepp, Stephanie
Taylor, Kyle 650.949.7126
Wang, Xiao 650.949.7259
Wu, Anna 650.949.7955

If your instructor is not listed on the department directory, please use email (lastnamefirstname@fhda.edu) or contact the Science, Technology, Engineering & Math division office for assistance.

Faculty & Staff Directory
