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Name Phone Email
Chang, Michael
Dubin, Bennett 650.949.7322
Fakoor, Farima 065.094.9722
Firenzi, Gina
Lew, Laurence 650.949.6138
Mancuso, Natasha 650.949.7577
Mayer, Joe 408.745.0000
Novikov, Irina 650.949.7322
Selvaretnam, Selvasodan
Seyedin, Sara 650.949.7483
Torretto, Joe 650.949.7322
Wang-Nava, Kevin
Wong, Tai 650.949.7322

If your instructor is not listed on the department directory, please use email (lastnamefirstname@fhda.edu) or contact the Business and Social Sciences division office for assistance.

Faculty & Staff Directory
