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ASFC Boards of Government

Administrative Board

To develop and recommend to the ASFC Campus Council such legislation, policies, codes, regulations, ASFC activities, and declarations as may be necessary to effectively implement, develop and coordinate ASFC activities and programs in the areas of Elections, Legislation, Campus Center, Distance Learning, SSCCC, Night Students, Sunnyvale Center Students, Technology, and conduct general ASFC office administration with the ASFC Secretary.

Vice President of Administration

The Vice President of Administration shall:

  1. Serves as the chief executive officer of the ASFC Administrative Board of Directors
  2. Assumes the duties of the president In the absence of the ASFC President and the Vice President of Finance.
  3. Serves as a voting member of the ASFC Campus Council.
  4. Is a member of the President's Cabinet
  5. Is an ex-officio voting member of all commissions, committees and agencies represented on the ASFC Administrative Board of Directors.
  6. Assumes other duties as may devolve to his/her office, or as may be assigned to his/her office by the ASFC Campus Council or the President's Cabinet.

Appointed Positions


ASFC Marketing Commissioner (4 positions)

  • Create and edit marketing material (like Instagram and Facebook posts and videos, flyers, posters, etc.) to promote ASFC and inform the community of ASFC actions
  • Proficiency in media editing software (like Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, and social media apps)
  • Distribute and post marketing materials (like flyers and posters), on and around campus
  • Work with 性奴调教鈥檚 Marketing Department to promote upcoming events online
  • Attends an additional weekly ASFC Board meeting to provide marketing content and support (ICC Board, Activities Board, Senate Board, etc)


Elections Commissioner

  • Chair the Elections Commission.Ensure that the ASFC Elections occur in a timely manner and in accordance with the ASFC Elections Code
  • Aim to increase votes in ASFC Elections in innovative ways.
  • Works with the ASFC Secretary to maintain Appointed Officer records and to ensure that the ASFC Officer Attendance Policy is upheld


Office Administrator

  • Oversee the office supplies for ASFC
  • Work with the ASFC Secretary to organize and distribute ASFC documents to ASFC officers
  • Records minutes for the Admin Board
  • Oversee the hygiene, decoration, and organization of ASFC鈥檚 building, and communicate with all boards and officers in order to achieve these goals


 Business Outreach Director 

  • Finds businesses to partner up with OwlCard for discounts
  • Works with the Business Operations Specalist to maintain records of OwlCard partnerships 




The ASFC Campus Council meets weekly on Thursday from 2-4 p.m. in Toyon Room (2020).

meet Harini

Questions? Contact Me!

Harini Naggapan, ASFC VP of Administration


Campus Center, Upper Level, Room 2011
