ASFC Boards of Government
Administrative Board
To develop and recommend to the ASFC Campus Council such legislation, policies, codes, regulations, ASFC activities, and declarations as may be necessary to effectively implement, develop and coordinate ASFC activities and programs in the areas of Elections, Legislation, Campus Center, Distance Learning, SSCCC, Night Students, Sunnyvale Center Students, Technology, and conduct general ASFC office administration with the ASFC Secretary.
Vice President of Administration
The Vice President of Administration shall:
- Serves as the chief executive officer of the ASFC Administrative Board of Directors
- Assumes the duties of the president In the absence of the ASFC President and the Vice President of Finance.
- Serves as a voting member of the ASFC Campus Council.
- Is a member of the President's Cabinet
- Is an ex-officio voting member of all commissions, committees and agencies represented on the ASFC Administrative Board of Directors.
- Assumes other duties as may devolve to his/her office, or as may be assigned to his/her office by the ASFC Campus Council or the President's Cabinet.
Appointed Positions
ASFC Marketing Commissioner (4 positions)
Elections Commissioner
Office Administrator
Business Outreach Director
The ASFC Campus Council meets weekly on Thursday from 2-4 p.m. in Toyon Room (2020).

Questions? Contact Me!
Harini Naggapan, ASFC VP of Administration
Campus Center, Upper Level, Room 2011