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Past Productions

Foothill Music Theatre Presents:

Bullets Over Broadway!

Music – Jazz and Pop standards from the 1920-30s

Book by Woody Allen

Milissa Carey – Director        Louis Lagalante - Music

         Claire Alexander - Choreography

Performance Dates:  

FEB 28 – MAR 17, 2019, Lohman Theatre


The Cast:

David Shayne:   Adam Cotugno                  Helen Sinclair:  Carla Befera

Olive Neal: Jocelyn Pickett                           Cheech: Nick Mandracchia

Ellen: Allie Townsend                                        Julian Marx: Aaron Hurley

Nick Valenti: Steve Repetti                           Eden Brent: Caitlyn Papp

Warner Purcell: Andrew Ross              

Ensemble Characters

Atta-girls: Amanda Nguyen, Dieyla Dopp, M.C. Mendonca, Kayvon Khordestani,  Kim Kay, Annika Diekgers

Gangsters: Joey Montes, Nick Nakamura, David Evans, Jacob Gunter, Tim Ford

Aldo: John Duarte                                            Mitchell Sabine: Mikey Wieland

Nick: Steve Repetti



or call (650)949-7360!


Box office hours for walk up and phone sales are from 1:00 - 5:00 pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays however you may leave a message anytime.


Stage door light

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Lohman Theatre, Area 8


Main Campus


