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Effective: Fall 2020

Advisory: Advisory: Not open to students with credit in SOC 1.
Grade Type: Letter Grade Only
Not Repeatable.
FHGE: Social & Behavioral Sciences Transferable: CSU/UC
5 hours lecture. (60 hours total per quarter)

Student Learning Outcomes -

  • Student will explain how two major ideas in Sociology as a field of study help them in their everyday lives.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of why the sociological imagination is sociologically significant.
  • Students will identify the basis of the scientific method.
  • Students will identify the leading components or indicators of methodology
  • Students will identify the two main component parts or features of the sociological imagination.
  • Students will identify two of the most important ideas in Sociology as a field of study.


Description -

Introduction to the field of sociology; the scientific study of human society and the contemporary world, and the interaction of individuals and groups in society. Analysis of major theories, concepts, methods, social institutions, and social processes. Development of a sociological imagination and social context analysis. Society in its social class, racial and gendered dynamics. As an honors course, it is focused on reading and critically analyzing sociological literature and researching specific sociological topics.


Course Objectives -

The student will be able to:
  1. Explore the relationship between social theories and the scientific study of society.
  2. Relate current social issues such as war, poverty, crime, prejudice, drug addiction to theoretical models and research studies.
  3. Demonstrate competency in sociological concepts, apply same in critically analyzing selected subtopics.
  4. Account for differences in sociological schools and corresponding social research methods and techniques employed.
  5. Recapitulate examples of social change and social processes using sociological models.
  6. Relate cultural diversity issues to subtopics including prejudice and discrimination.
  7. Demonstrate a global understanding of society via the study of demography and multicultural comparisons.
  8. Account for social conflict and tensions through theoretical analysis of social organization, social integration and social change.
  9. Demonstrate effective reading, writing, and critical thinking skills.

Special Facilities and/or Equipment -



Course Content (Body of knowledge) -

  1. Introduction
    1. Basic concepts and perspectives: Micro and macro study.
    2. Early European and contemporary American theories.
    3. Sociology as scientific discipline compared to other fields of scientific inquiry.
  2. Research methods and models.
    1. Statistical analysis verses other paradigm's.
    2. Ethical and legal issues and constraints.
  3. Culture and social structure.
    1. Influence of language and social norms.
    2. Cognitive, normative and material components.
    3. Culture variation and ethnocentrism.
    4. Status/Role patterns and social processes.
  4. Socialization.
    1. Total learning process and self-awareness.
    2. Social and psychological approaches.
    3. Life cycle developments and changes.
    4. Resocialization techniques and effects.
  5. Social stratification.
    1. Factors of classification and evaluation.
    2. Classical studies and theories on class distinction.
  6. Human associations.
    1. Informal (emotional) and formal (instrumental) groups.
    2. Primary relationships versus bureaucracy.
    3. Collective behavior comparisons of relatively structured situations.
    4. Emotional contagion and types of crowds and masses.
  7. Human demography and ecology.
    1. Demographic concepts and theories.
    2. Population transition and change.
    3. Ecological processes and human impact on ecosystem.
  8. Applications of sociological elements and principles to major institutions.
    1. Law and Deviance.
    2. Family.
    3. Religion.
    4. Education.
  9. Ethnic Pluralism and Minority Group Relations.
    1. Cultural diversity and conflict.
    2. Acculturation/assimilation processes.
    3. Prejudice and discrimination.
  10. Analysis of social change.
    1. Major community, economic and political trends.
    2. Social movements.
    3. Historical changes and social consequences.

Methods of Evaluation -

May include, but not limited to:
  1. Class discussions
  2. Active learning exercises
  3. Oral presentations
  4. Critical essay(s)
  5. Examinations or quizzes.

As an honors course, this course will include a research paper or literature review on a sociological topic.

Representative Text(s) -

Anderson, Margaret, and Howard Taylor. Sociology: The Essentials. 7th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2012.
Macionis, John J. Sociology 14th ed., New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2011.
Ferguson, Susan. Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology. 7th ed. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing, 2012.


Disciplines -


Method of Instruction -

During periods of instruction, the students will be listening to lectures, discussing sociological concepts, watching videos, engaging in group learning activities such as simulations, or reviewing course material for exams.

Lab Content -

Not applicable.

Types and/or Examples of Required Reading, Writing and Outside of Class Assignments -

  1. College level readings from primary and secondary sources.
  2. College level writing assignments based on primary and secondary source reflection and / or analysis.
  3. Research paper or literature review on sociological topics.

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