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Student Learning Outcomes - - Understand the life story of the stars and be able to explain how that life story relates to their own lives and existence here on Earth.
- Understand the position of the Earth in the universe and the arrangement and scale of the universe.
Description - |
| Non-technical introduction to astronomy, focusing on qualitative reasoning about stars, galaxies, and the origin and evolution of the universe. Topics include: the nature of light, matter, and telescopes; the basic physical processes of the universe; the formation and death of stars and their role in producing the elements necessary for life (including an introduction to black holes); the Milky Way and other galaxies, their structure, formation, and evolution; the history, evolution, and structure of the universe from the Big Bang to the heat death of the universe; the impact of astronomical events on life on Earth. The honors section offers a challenging intellectual environment which covers the same outline as the general course but in more depth. |
Course Objectives - |
| The student will be able to:
- Use light and spectra to compare the temperature, composition, speed, and distance of objects
- Draw scale models of astronomical objects and timelines of astronomical events
- Qualitatively reason about physical situations, and use plots of physical relationships to quantify reasoning
- Present a "big picture" view of the cosmos from the Earth to the edge of the observable universe
- Describe the evolution of stars from birth to death and discuss how this evolution relates to their own lives on Earth
- Use observations of stars to construct our modern understanding of the structure, history, and evolution of galaxies
- Use observations of galaxies to construct our modern understanding of the structure, history, and evolution of the overall universe
- Communicate about phenomena in an audience 脗颅appropriate manner
Special Facilities and/or Equipment - |
| - Physics equipment for demonstrating the generation of atomic spectra and other relevant physics principles.
- A large classroom with good audio-visual equipment, including facilities for showing PowerPoint slides and web-based images.
Course Content (Body of knowledge) - |
| - Light
- The electromagnetic spectrum
- Interactions of light with matter
- Spectroscopy
- Measuring temperatures with light
- Measuring compositions with light
- Measuring radial velocities with light
- Luminosity
- Using temperature and luminosity to determine the size of stars
- Using distances and apparent brightness to determine luminosity
- Scale models and timelines
- Using division to make scale models of size and distance
- Relating astronomical scales to day-to-day situations
- Factor of 10 comparisons
- Make astronomical timescales relatable via scaling to a calendar year
- Qualitatively reason about physical situations, and use plots of physical relationships to quantify reasoning
- Use distance and mass to compare the gravitational force between objects, and use these comparisons to predict resulting motions
- Predict high or low orbital speed based on mass and separation, and read plots of speed vs. separation to determine masses of binary stars
- Use combinations of distance and apparent brightness to compare the luminosity of sources, and combinations of luminosity and apparent brightness to compare the distance of sources
- Use parallax to compare the distances of objects
- Predict high or low temperatures based on the amount of compression of gasses, and the relationship between mass and the amount of compression
- Predict high or low fusion rates based on the temperature and density of gasses, and interpret stellar luminosities in terms of fusion rate
- Compare stellar lifetimes based on comparisons of mass and luminosity, and use stellar census to estimate ages of stellar populations
- Use Doppler shift to compare line-of-sight velocities, and use patterns in Doppler shifts to describe large scale motions and phenomena
- Present a "big picture" view of the cosmos from the Earth to the edge of the observable universe
- Describe the basic properties of stars and groups of stars
- Describe the basic properties of galaxies
- Describe the overall structure and history of the universe
- Use the scale of space, history of the galaxy, and history of life on Earth to reason about life in the universe
- Describe the evolution of stars from birth to death and discuss how this evolution relates to their own lives on Earth
- Use concepts of gravity, the compression of gasses, and fusion to predict which types of stars will produce different elements via fusion
- Use properties of stars on the H-R diagram to infer mass, fusion rate, and lifetime
- Processes that follow the exhaustion of core hydrogen in stars and how these vary with stellar mass
- Shells of formation of heavy elements
- Evolution to red giants and formation of planetary nebula
- Core collapse and supernovas of high mass stars
- Explore the objects leftover after stellar "death"
- White dwarfs, and supernovas resulting from interaction with a binary companion
- Neutron stars, and kilonovas resulting from neutron star mergers
- Black holes, and an introduction to relativity
- Use observations of stars to construct our modern understanding of the structure, history, and evolution of galaxies
- Use observations of stars, gas, and variable stars to measure the size and shape of the Milky Way
- Use observations of variable stars and Type Ia supernovas to measure the distance to galaxies
- Use velocity measurements of stars to recreate the discovery of dark matter
- Use observations of galaxies to construct our modern understanding of the structure, history, and evolution of the overall universe
- Use observations of galaxies at a variety of distances to confirm models of galaxy formation and interaction
- Use galactic redshifts and distances to recreate the discovery of the Hubble law, and interpret the changing slope of the Hubble in terms of the accelerating expansion of the universe
- Extrapolate the overall conditions of the universe to the time of its formation, and interpret the discovery of the cosmic microwave background in that context
- Communicate phenomena in an audience 脗颅appropriate manner
- Outline the key facts and processes of a phenomenon
- Use audience appropriate communications strategies to make processes relatable
Methods of Evaluation - |
| - Quizzes
- Midterm exam(s)
- Final exam
- Collaborative group activities (with written submissions)
- Homework assignments (with additional in-depth questions appropriate for honors students)
- Participating in the class discussion by asking and answering questions both in脗颅-person and in online discussions
- A term paper or similar culminating project aimed at communicating an astronomical process to others
Representative Text(s) - |
| Fraknoi, A., D. Morrison, and S. Wolff. OpenStax Astronomy.. OpenStax at Rice University, 2016. Additional handouts from the instructor.
Disciplines - |
| Astronomy/Physics
Method of Instruction - |
| - Preparatory reading
- Lecture with integrated practice
- Group activities during the lecture
- Student discussion
- Peer review
Lab Content - |
| Not applicable.
Types and/or Examples of Required Reading, Writing and Outside of Class Assignments - |
| - Weekly required reading from the textbook, 30-50 pages per week. Includes special sections required of honors students only.
- Reading of update sheets and handouts, number of pages varies.
- Written homework questions to be handed in some weeks.
- Student groups meet outside of class for regular review.
- Write an essay, blog脗颅-style post, cartoon, video, poster, spoken presentation, etc., to communicate about an astronomical phenomenon in a target 脗颅appropriate manner.