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12345 EL MONTE ROAD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022-4599 - foothill.edu

Effective: Summer 2017

Grade Type: Letter Grade, the student may select Pass/No Pass
Not Repeatable.
FHGE: Lifelong Learning Transferable: CSU
1 hour lecture. (12 hours total per quarter)

Student Learning Outcomes -

  • Create a script to answer commonly asked interview questions
  • Research one company's mission, products, and services, and company performance using online resources


Description -

Development of successful interviewing skills, including techniques for pre-interview preparation, dynamics of an interview, salary negotiations and follow-up.


Course Objectives -

The student will be able to:
  1. identify the types and purposes of different interviews.
  2. research companies and/or employers' mission, values, products and annual reports.
  3. prepare for interviews.
  4. demonstrate effective interviewing skills.
  5. conduct follow-up activities.
  6. understand bias, prejudices in interviewing and selection process.
  7. develop timeline and related activities to successful offer of employment.
  8. develop a list of references to take to an interview.

Special Facilities and/or Equipment -

  1. when taught on campus: no specific facilities or equipment is needed outside of the basic computer and projector.
  2. when taught on the internet via Foothill Global Access: access to computer with internet and email access.

Course Content (Body of knowledge) -

  1. Types of interviews
    1. Telephone interviews
    2. Sequential interviews
    3. Individual interviews
    4. Interview panels/committees
  2. Research corporations, companies or employers
    1. Find sources of information on internet, annual reports or other forms of publications (newspaper/magazine/journal articles) and networking
    2. Research products, plans, financial statements
    3. Learn information about interviewer(s)
  3. Types of interview questions
    1. Sample of typical questions
    2. Situational questions
    3. Demonstration of abilities
    4. Tests of technical expertise
    5. Behavioral interviews
  4. Dynamics of the interview
    1. Non-verbal communication
      1. Appearance
      2. Eye contact, handshake, body language
      3. Attitude - interest, enthusiasm, confidence
      4. Courtesy, tact, sincerity
      5. Managing stress and nervousness
      6. Cultural values and their impact on non-verbal communication
    2. Verbal communication
      1. Articulate, responsive answers
      2. Control content of interview
      3. Presentation skills - tone, tempo, voice volume
      4. Timing, flow of dialogue or conversation
      5. Questions to ask of the interviewer
      6. Cultural values and their impact on verbal communication
  5. Difficult questions and how to answer them, such as, but not limited to:
    1. Gaps in employment
    2. Lay off information
    3. Being fired from previous positions
    4. No work history
  6. Use and purpose of career portfolios
    1. What is purpose of portfolio
    2. What to put in a portfolio
    3. When to use a portfolio
  7. Salary negotiations
    1. Value of negotiations
    2. How to negotiate
    3. Salary range for job objective
    4. Non-salary negotiation items
  8. Follow-up activities:
    1. Second interviews
    2. Post-interview assessment process
    3. Purpose and format of 'Thank You' letters
  9. Bias and prejudices
    1. Gender, racial, cultural/ethnic and other biases and prejudices
    2. How to recognize prejudice
    3. Where to pursue legal help when evidence of unlawful prejudice is shown
  10. List of references
    1. Use of professional references
    2. Use of personal references
    3. Information included in reference list

Methods of Evaluation -

  1. Completion of all assignments
  2. Evidence of self-reflection and critical thinking in all homework
  3. Answers to at least 10 interview questions
  4. At least 3 questions to ask in interviews
  5. Sample thank you letter
  6. Job search plan

Representative Text(s) -

  1. When taught on campus, no texts are required.
  2. When taught via Foothill Global Access: supplemental lectures, reading materials, web based resources and assignments accessible on the internet. Class discussions and individualized attention will be delivered using online forums, messages and email.

Recommended text for student desiring a textbook for supplemental reading:
Storey, James. Interview: The Art of the Interview: The Perfect Answers to Every Interview Question (Interview Questions and Answers, Interviewing, Resume, Interview Tips, Motivational Interviewing, Job Interview). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.


Disciplines -


Method of Instruction -

  1. When taught on campus:
    1. Interactive lecture/discussions
    2. Mock Interviewing
    3. Grading and discussions of assignments
  2. For online sections:
    1. Read weekly lesson modules
    2. Complete weekly assignments
    3. Participate in discussion forum postings

Lab Content -

Not applicable.

Types and/or Examples of Required Reading, Writing and Outside of Class Assignments -

  1. Identify a job for which you want to apply. Read the job description, then identify the skills and qualities the employer is looking for. Using the PAR format (problem, action, result), write statements showing you have the skills and qualities the employer is looking for.
  2. Select 7 interview questions from our text and write out your responses to the questions.
  3. Mock interview in class.

FOOTHILL COLLEGE - 12345 EL MONTE ROAD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022-4599 - foothill.edu