A basic course for non-native speakers focusing on college-level reading and writing skills. Development of readings skills through analysis of assigned readings. Production of short multi-paragraph compositions that develop focused main ideas using a variety of standard English sentences. Lecture, discussion, and individualized instruction. Does not meet the graduation requirement in composition.
Appropriate placement through 性奴调教's placement model (i.e., guided self-placement) or successful completion of two Level 3 courses, credit and/or noncredit: ESLL 226 or NCEL 426 AND ESLL 227 or NCEL 427.
Advisory: Concurrent enrollment in ESLL 236; designed for students whose native language is not English; not open to students with credit in ESL 167.
Not Repeatable.
5 hours lecture per week. 60 hours total per quarter.
Foothill GE Area:English
Transfer GE:
Information regarding how this course is applied toward CSU GE/Breadth or IGETC certification is available at:
Foothill Transfer GE Guide
Department Note:
These courses are designed for students whose native or first language is not English. Students who have never studied English or who do not already speak English with basic conversational ability should enroll in English as a Second Language (ESLL) courses offered by the adult education departments of local high school districts. If you plan to enroll for the first time in an ESLL course, you are required to take an ESLL placement test unless you enroll in the lowest course. Refer to the front of the schedule for testing information or call (650) 949-7230. For information about ESLL courses, call (650) 949-7250.