Foundations and principles of electronic commerce and doing business on the internet. Topics include e-commerce models, value and supply chains, business strategy, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic payments and digital currency, integrating channels of business (walk-in, mail, phone, internet), e-marketing, intranets and extranets, security risks and legal issues in e-commerce, and Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS). Current topics about latest e-business trends are discussed, including peer-to-peer commerce, public and private exchanges, e-hubs and e-marketplaces, technology trends in enterprise computing, including web services and knowledge management, and global e-commerce infrastructure.
Not Repeatable.
5 hours lecture per week. 60 hours total per quarter.
Foothill GE Area:English
Transfer GE:
Information regarding how this course is applied toward CSU GE/Breadth or IGETC certification is available at:
Foothill Transfer GE Guide
Department Note:
For more information about the Business department, contact one of the two co-chairs directly: Professor Natasha Mancuso at (650) 949.7577 (mancusonatasha@foothill.edu) or Laurence Lew at (650) 949.6138 (lewlaurance@foothill.edu). The department's website can be found at: /business