Continuation of common practice procedures in music and their application to composition and music literature. Seventh chords, an introduction to two-part counterpoint, secondary dominants and leading tone chords, modulation, and voice-leading techniques in four-part chorale writing. Musicianship skills to include melodic dictation with leaps from the I, IV, and V7 chords, rhythmic dictation in both simple and compound meters, harmonic dictation of typical chord progressions including notation of outer voices and Roman numerals, and sight-singing melodies with leaps from the I, IV, and V7 chords.
Advisory: MUS 3A proficiency or equivalent.
Not Repeatable.
4 hours lecture per week, 3 hours lab per week. 84 hours total per quarter.
Foothill GE Area:English
Transfer GE:
Information regarding how this course is applied toward CSU GE/Breadth or IGETC certification is available at:
Foothill Transfer GE Guide
Department Note:
TO CONTACT AN INSTRUCTOR VIA EMAIL: lastnamefirstname@foothill.edu
For more information about the Music Program, contact: Robert Hartwell at hartwellrobert@foothill.edu or call 650.949.7016. The website can be found at: /music