Designed to help students understand the impact of financial decisions on their personal, professional, and community lives. More specifically, the course will discuss personal finance and quantitative reasoning concepts, frameworks, and techniques to plan, implement, and evaluate financial strategies and tactics. Topics will also include the time value of money, major consumer purchases (e.g., home, car, student loans, credit cards), retirement planning, investment options and their interrelationship with psychological, sociological, and economic factors. The course will culminate with the development of a comprehensive personal financial plan and simulate investment, retirement, tax, insurance, credit, and other financial decisions. The long-term objective is for students to develop a critically-reflective and adaptive capacity for life-long financial decision-making.
Advisory: Elementary Algebra or equivalent; demonstrated proficiency in English by placement via multiple measures OR through an equivalent placement process OR completion of ESLL 125 & ESLL 249.
Not Repeatable.
4 hours lecture per week. 48 hours total per quarter.
Foothill GE Area:English
Transfer GE:
Information regarding how this course is applied toward CSU GE/Breadth or IGETC certification is available at:
Foothill Transfer GE Guide
Department Note:
For more information about the Business department, contact one of the two co-chairs directly: Professor Natasha Mancuso at (650) 949.7577 (mancusonatasha@foothill.edu) or Laurence Lew at (650) 949.6138 (lewlaurance@foothill.edu). The department's website can be found at: /business