
Planning & Resource Council (PaRC)
Foothill Campus Picture

Foothill Core Values








Meetings scheduled from 1:30PM-3:00PM on the first and third Wednesday of each month during the academic year
in the President's Conference Room, 1901 Administation Building

Thuy Thi Nguyen, President
Carolyn Holcroft, Academic Senate President
Erin Ortiz, Classified Senate President

PaRC Planning Documents

2016-17 PaRC Planning Calendar

Accreditation 6-Year Cycle Planning Calendar

OPC Resource Allocation Recommendations for 2016-17

Click HERE to learn more about PROGRAM REVIEW


Governance Summit - September 14, 2017
  1. Governance Summit 2017 Agenda Booklet (PDF)
  2. Budget Reductions Foothill 2017-18 Goverance Summit (PPTX)
  3. Strategic Objectives 2017-18 (DOCX)
  4. Committee Participation Structures (DOCX)
  5. GovHandbook 2012 Approved GHB 120512 (PDF)
  6. Governance Process Diagram (PDF)
  7. Foothill Quality Focused Essay 2017(PDF)
  8. Mission Statement Poster v2.2 (PDF)
  9. 性奴调教 Visiting Team Roster (PDF)
  10. Foothill Accrediation Schedule (PDF)
  11. Enrollment Management for Governance Retreat (PDF)
  12. 2016-17 Strategic Objectives Presentation (PPTX)


Meeting Date
October 05, 2016
  1. June 15, 2016 - Meeting Minutes
  2. PaRC Planning Calendar (16-17)
  3. PaRC Orientation - Fall 2016
  4. OPC Resource Prioritization & Funding
  5. IP&B Proposal 1 - TracDat Pilot
  6. IP&B Proposal 2 - Position Prioritization
  7. IP&B Proposal 3 - Length of PR Cycle
  8. IP&B Proposal 4 - New Initiative Form
  9. IP&B Follow Up Items
  10. Humanities Certificate - Proposal
  11. CTE Transitions Funds - Summary (16-17)
  12. Perkins Allocations - Summary (16-17)
  13. Facilities Master Plan
  14. Core Mission Objectives Template (16-17)
  15. Instructional Faculty Prioritization (16-17)
October 19, 2016
  1. October 05, 2016 - Meeting Minutes
  2. IP&B Proposal 1 - TracDat Pilot
  3. IP&B Proposal 2 - Position Prioritization
  4. IP&B Proposal 3 - Length of PR Cycle
  5. IP&B Proposal 4 - New Initiative Form
  6. IP&B Follow Up Items
  7. Humanities Certificate - Proposal
  8. Non-Credit EMT Certificate - Proposal
  9. CTE Transitions Funds - Summary (16-17)
  10. Perkins Allocations - Summary (16-17)
  11. Core Mission Objectives Template (16-17)
  12. Instruction Faculty Prioritization (REVISE)
  13. Annual PR Template (16-17)
  14. Comp Instruction PR Template (16-17)
  15. Comp Stud Serv PR Template (16-17)
  16. Comp Admin PR Template (16-17)
November 02, 2016
  1. October 19, 2016 - Meeting Minutes
  2. Student Success Collaborative - Charge
  3. OPC Prioritization Rubric for 2016-17
  4. Non-Credit EMT Certificate - Proposal
  5. Humanities Certificate - Revised Proposal
  6. Program Review Committee - Charge
  7. Program Review Committee - Membership
  8. Program Review Committee - Eval Rubric
  9. Program Review Committee - PR Schedule
  10. Facilities Master Plan
  11. EduNav Demonstration - Presentation

Informational Memos

November 16, 2016
December 07, 2016
  1. November 16, 2016 - Meeting Minutes
  2. FHDA District Strategic Plan
  3. NC Cert - Bridge to College ESL Pathway
  4. NC Cert - ESL Beginning
  5. NC Cert - ESL Intermediate
  6. NC Cert - Language Arts Foundations
January 18, 2017
  1. December 07, 2016 - Meeting Minutes
  2. 2016-2019 Technology Master Plan
  3. FHDA District Strategic Plan
  4. NC Cert - Bridge to College ESL Pathway
  5. NC Cert - ESL Beginning
  6. NC Cert - ESL Intermediate
  7. NC Cert - Language Arts Foundations
  8. Strong Workforce Grant Allocations
February 01, 2017
  1. January 18, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  2. FHDA District Strategic Plan (REVISED)
  3. FHDA District Strategic Plan (Feedback)
February 15, 2017
March 01, 2017
  1. February 01, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  2. Global Studies AD-T
  3. Social Justice Studies AD-T
  4. 性奴调教 Mission Statement
  5. Annual Sustainability Management Report
  6. Sustainability Report - Graph
  7. Facilities Master Plan - Update
  8. Strong Workforce Allocation Spreadsheet
  9. Strong Workforce - Final Allocations
  10. Perkins - Tentative Allocations
March 15, 2017
  1. March 01, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  2. Global Studies AD-T
  3. Social Justice Studies: General AD-T
  4. Social Justice Studies: Gender & Sexuality
  5. Social Justice Studies: Race & Ethnicity
  6. Mission Statement - Proposed Revision
  7. LIBR - Out of Cycle Faculty Request
  8. Annual Sustainability Management Report
  9. Sustainability Report - Graph
  10. High School Enrollment & Graduation
  11. Institutional Set Standards - Presentation
April 19, 2017
  1. March 15, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  2. Social Justice Studies AD-T
  3. LIBR - Out of Cycle Faculty Request
  4. RSPT - Emergency Faculty Request
  5. Mission Statement - March 15 Revision
  6. High School Enrollment & Graduation
  7. Institutional Set Standards - Updates
  8. FHDA & Basic Aid District Analysis
  9. 2016-2017 2nd Quarter Report
  10. EMP Goals & Objectives - Indicators
May 03, 2017
  1. April 19, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  2. FHDA District Re-Test Policy
  3. Institutional Self-Evaluation Report - Draft
  4. Quality Focus Essay (QFE) - Draft
  5. Accreditation Town Hall - Presentation
  6. Existing Planning & Governance Graphic
  7. New Foothill Equity Graphic
  8. New Planning & Governance Graphic
  9. PRC - Program Review Presentation
  10. Operations & Planning - Presentation
May 17, 2017
  1. May 03, 2017 - Meeting Minutes
  2. Institutional Self-Evaluation Report - Draft
  3. Quality Focus Essay (QFE) - Draft
  4. 性奴调教 Equity Graphic
  5. 性奴调教 Planning Graphic
  6. Program Review & Resource Graphic
  7. 2017 IEPI Goals
  8. Education Master Plan (EMP) - Metrics
  9. PRC - Program Review Recommendations
  10. PRC - Global Observations
  11. Program Deactivation Notice - PCA
  12. Program Creation - NCBS Math Bridge
June 07, 2017
  1. May 17, 2017- Meeting Minutes
  2. PRC - Program Review Recommendations
  3. PRC - Global Observations
  4. NCSB Math Bridge Program Proposal
  5. Landscape Technician Program Proposal
  6. OPC, Resource Prioritizations 2017
  7. Governor's May Revision Budget 2017-18
  8. 性奴调教 Distance Education Plan 2017-2020
  9. 性奴调教 FMP 2016-17 Updated
  10. 性奴调教 FMP update presentation
June 21, 2017
  1. June 7, 2017- Meeting Minutes
  2. Landscape Tech Certificate
  3. OPC, Resource Prioritizations
  4. Sustainability Committee Report
  5. IPB Draft Agenda
  6. Foothill Logo 2017
  7. Governance Survey Results Presentation2017
  8. Governance Survey Results Report 2017
  9. 2017 Scorecard

For PaRC Agendas and Minutes from previous years, please visit: PaRC Archive

2016-2017 PaRC Members

If you are interested in filling a vacancy on PaRC, please contact Justin Schultz.

Members (Voting)
Ex-Officio (Non-Voting)

PaRC Tri-Chairs:
Thuy Thi Nguyen, President (non-voting)
Carolyn Holcroft, Academic Senate President
Erin Ortiz, Classified Senate President

Student Government Representatives:
Ramiel Petros, ASFC President
Courtney Cooper, Student Trustee
Sonia Beckenstorm, ASFC Representative
Vacant, ASFC Representative

Basic Skills Chairs:
Maureen McCarthy, Classified
Teresa Zwack, Faculty
Lori Silverman, Administrator

Operations Planning Committee Chairs:
Denise Perez, Classified
Debbie Lee, Faculty
Bernata Slater, Administrator

Student Equity Chairs:
Adrienne Hypolite, Classified
Micaela Agyare, Faculty
Paul Starer, Administrator

Transfer Chairs:
Kent McGee, Classified
Cleve Freeman, Faculty
Lan Truong, Administrator

Workforce Chairs:
Donna Wolf, Classified
Rachelle Campbell, Faculty
Dawn Girardelli, Administrator

Bargaining Unit Representatives
Karen Erickson, Faculty Association

President's Cabinet
Denise Swett, VP - Student Services
Andrew LaManque, Interim VP - Instruction
Moaty Fayek, Interim VP - Workforce

Other Ex-Officio Members
Laureen Balducci, AVP - Student Services
Andrea Hanstein, Director of Marketing
Justin Schultz, Assistant to the President

As a part of our shared governance process, PaRC Meetings are open to all faculty, staff, and students that would like to attend.

Core Mission Workgroups & Operation Planning Committee

Basic Skills Workgroup

Maureen McCarthy, Classified
Teresa Zwack, Faculty
Lori Silverman, Administrator

Andrew LaManque, Interim Vice President - Instruction & Institutional Research

Visit the Basic Skills Workgroup webpage for meeting information.

Operations Planning Committee

Denise Perez, Classified
Debbie Lee, Faculty
Bernata Slater, Administrator

Visit the Operations Planning Committee webpage for meeting information.

Student Equity Workgroup

Adrienne Hypolite, Classified
Micaela Agyare, Faculty
Paul Starer, Administrator

Elaine Kuo, Director of Equity Programs

Visit the Student Equity Workgroup webpage for meeting information.

Transfer Workgroup

Kent McGee, Classified
Cleve Freeman, Faculty
Lan Truong, Administrator

Denise Swett, Vice President - Student Services

Visit the Transfer Workgroup webpage for meeting information.

Workforce Workgroup

Donna Wolf, Classified
Rachelle Campbell, Faculty
Dawn Girardelli, Administrator

Moaty Fayek, Interim Vice President - Workforce Development

Visit the Workforce Workgroup webpage for meeting information.

Top of page September 20, 2017