President's Office
Tenure Celebration.
March 13, 2024
(1). Tenure Celebration.
On Monday, a reception for the 2024 tenure awardees was held at the District Office. Friends, mentors, and family members gathered for some pre-ceremony snacks. Both Foothill and De Anza honorees then moved to the Board Room to be recognized by the Chancellor and Board President. While the ceremony was appropriately focused on the tenure candidates, SO many staff, faculty, and administrators–the support structure for these candidates–shared in this celebration. As I congratulate the tenure recipients, I also want to express my appreciation for the supportive and growth-minded framework provided by tenure committees and division support staff, Faculty Professional Development Coordinator Carolyn Holcroft, and Tenure Review Coordinator Natalia Menedez. Sláinte!
- Cynthia Brannvall: Fine Arts and Communication
- Julie Jenkins: Business and Social Sciences
- Ana Maravilla: Counseling, Disability Resource Center
- Mayra Palmerin-Aguilera: Counseling, Disability Resource Center
- Amy Sarver: Language Arts
(2) Seeking GEL Faculty.
Global Experiential Learning. The GEL Office is recruiting two full-time, tenured Foothill faculty, in collaboration with the Office of Instruction, to serve as the instructional faculty and the program leads for the next slate of Study Abroad opportunities. All full-time, tenured instructional faculty are eligible to apply for these positions. Please take a look at the attached flier for more information, including destinations and compensation.
(3) ChatGPT - The Student Perspective.
How are students using ChatGPT in academic settings? Join me and Stacy Gleixner for a college-wide virtual forum TODAY, from 10-11 am, and hear students from Ben Stefonik's Statistics from the Behavioral Sciences class share results from a campus-wide survey that asks students how they are using ChatGPT here at Foothill. Access the forum via this
(4) Virtual Accreditation Open Form & In - Person Humanities Lecture.
Also TODAY! The noon hour offers many invitations. If you would like to share your
perspective on Foothill with the Accreditation Peer Review team, please know that
nearly everyone is invited to meet the team reviewing our Institutional Self Evaluation
Report (ISER). The Open Forum is an opportunity to share anything you'd like about
our college with the peer review team members. There is no formal agenda, but the
team is especially interested in hearing the voices of those who work and/or take
classes at Foothill. This is open to the community but senior administrators and Board
members will not be in attendance. Join the at noon.
Since I will not be at the ACCJC Open Forum, I’m heading over to Appreciation Hall
at 12:30 pm for Falk Cammin’s lecture entitled. No There There? Transitory Encounters
with History—Lecture and Discussion, as part of our Humanities Lecture Series.
(5) MIPC.
This Friday, the Mission Informed Planning Council will meet from 1–3 p.m. in room 1901 or online for the last convening of the Winter quarter. All are welcome. Find the agenda here.
Attachment: 2024 Faculty Study Abroad Program Lead Application
Yours in Service,