President's Office

First Winter MIPC meeting
January, 24, 2024
(1) First Winter MIPC meeting.
Last Friday, the Mission Informed Planning Council met for the first meeting of the Winter Quarter. The following items are noteworthy:
- A proposal for a professional learning committee, currently tasked with developing a curriculum for FLEX & Opening Day, was approved. The committee will report to MIPC. A vibrant discussion about the committee's charge occurred. MIPC members voted to approve the committee as proposed with the assumption that the scope of the professional learning committee may expand in the future.
- Foothill Proposal for Reallocated Measure G Funds. A process for forwarding a recommendation to the Chancellor guiding the highest and best use of available bond funds was presented. These funds are potentially made available if a District event center is no longer prioritized for construction. De Anza already submitted a proposal for the use of those funds to the Board. This process affords Foothill an equal opportunity to advance projects already ranked during Measure G project deliberations with stakeholders but unable to move forward when money for a new event center and housing was earmarked.
(2) Launch of Speaker Series–Today!
Join the Art of Community Talk from noon to 1 p.m. TODAY in the Appreciation Hall. This co-sponsored event from the BIPOC Multicultural Center and the Office of Equity and Inclusion invites FAVIANNA RODRIGUEZ GIANNONI. Favianna is an interdisciplinary artist, cultural strategist, and entrepreneur in Oakland, California. Her art and praxis address migration, gender justice, climate change, racial equity, and sexual freedom. Through her poignant speeches, she has inspired audiences worldwide, including at the United Nations Climate Summit, Sundance Film Festival, Smithsonian, Google, and Lush Cosmetics. Lunch will be provided after the event.
(3) Holocaust Survivor Talk.
On Thursday, January 25th, the campus will continue Jewish Heritage Month events by commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day. Come to Appreciation Hall at noon for a survivor talk and tree planting.
(4) Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Student Achieve Program.
The initiative seeks to enhance the educational experiences and promote success for low-income, first-generation AANHPI students. Please join campus leaders on Friday, January 26 from 11 am-12:00 pm via Zoom for an introduction to the initiative, to share your knowledge and perspectives on the AANHPI student populations at Foothill, to identify the data necessary to deepen that understanding, and to brainstorm ideas for meaningful local projects/programs/activities. Note change: a single zoom event is offered.
Friday, Jan. 26, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. via
Meeting ID: 854 7641 2734
Passcode: 615617
(5) Housing Survey for Students and Staff.
The District has been working expeditiously to forward a recommendation on student and staff housing to the Board. Most survey data on housing needs were conducted pre-pandemic. New surveys for staff and students are forthcoming. I will share details as they are known, but I wanted to lift up this effort and ask that each student and staff member complete the survey when it reaches your inbox.
Yours in service,