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FORMTEXT Five ū faculty/staff would like to attend the CATESOL (California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Regional Conference in Los Angeles on Saturday, March 4, 2016 hosted by Mt. San Antonio College. Presenters include: Katie Ha, SI/ESL; Melissa Jaquish and Amy Sarver, Temp FT Non-Credit ESL; Gabriel Lomeli, Non-Credit ESL Outreach. In addition, a part-time Non-Credit faculty member, David Beaulieu, would like to attend in increase his knowledge and awareness of second language issues that would greatly inform his work in the TLC as a faculty tutor. Topics addressed at the conference include: "Sharpening contextualized learning through content-based instruction;" "Effective ESL writing instruction for college success;" and "Choosing tech tools to reach your pronunciation teaching goals." In addition to presenting at the conference, the group will tour the Learning Assistance Center at Mt. SAC to learn about the robust offerings there: study skills courses; citizenship courses; multiple subject tutoring, and more.  Please indicate the criteria used to select the students and/or faculty/staff participating in this activity. FORMTEXT There has been demonstrated interest at previous state-level conferences in learning more about non-credit activities, thus the applicants are excited to share at CATESOL what we have learned from launching non-credit through the TLC and in NCEL (Non-Credit ESL) courses at Foothilll, Middlefield, Sunnyvale Center, and other contracted locations on the peninsula. What outcomes are you predicting for this activity (or for those who participate) and what metric(s) will be used to evaluate if the activity is supporting increased outcomes for those students on the indicators (as described above)? FORMTEXT Outcomes of this activity would manifest in course offerings in pronunciation, citizenship or other courses targeting ESL and BS students. Attendees would also be willing to share out what they learn with non-credit faculty and the ESLL Department.  Please cite any research or evidence relevant to your proposal. FORMTEXT   Please describe plans for sustaining the activity (if possible) without Basic Skills funding. FORMTEXT There is no need for sustaining the activity.  Please provide a breakdown of expenses, a timeline for implementation and a schedule of planned activities. FORMTEXT March 3, 2017 - Fly to LA area. Meet with faculty/staff and tour Learning Assistance Center at Mt. San Antonio College March 4, 2017 - Attend CATESOL Regional Conference (7am-4:30pm) and present at 2pm (Refreshments and lunch included) March 5, 2017 - Return to SF Bay Area Expenses: Flights from SFO/SJC to Ontario, CA: approximately $2,000 for 5 people Hotel for two nights at $200/night: $1,600 Registration for Conference: $70/pp=$360 (Two CATESOL members @ $70/pp; 2 CATESOL non-members at $80/pp; 1 student rate $60/pp Per Diem: (1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 2 dinners) Rental Cars: 3 cars through Hertz = $500 Taxis: (For transport to/from SFO/SJC) = $200 Total: $5085 Per the State Chancellor's Office, ū̒s Basic Skills initiatives are intended to improve outcomes of students who enter college academically under-prepared, needing at least one course in English as a Second Language (ESL) or basic skills (English and/or mathematics). Each funding request must be consistent with program goals and activities related to Basic Skills and English as a Second Language and fall within the States expenditure guidelines. Please note which of the following guidelines pertain to your funding request (check all that apply):  FORMCHECKBOX  PROGRAM PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT  FORMCHECKBOX  CURRICULUM PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT  FORMCHECKBOX  Student Assessment  FORMCHECKBOX  Advisement & Counseling Services  FORMCHECKBOX  Supplemental Instruction & Tutoring  FORMCHECKBOX  Articulation  FORMCHECKBOX  Instructional Materials & Equipment  FORMCHECKBOX  Coordination  FORMCHECKBOX  Research  FORMCHECKBOX  Professional Development INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION Please submit your completed request via email to the Basic Skills Workgroup Tri-Chairs: Victor Tam ( HYPERLINK "mailto:tamvictor@fhda.edu" tamvictor@fhda.edu) Teresa Zwack ( HYPERLINK "mailto:zwackteresa@fhda.edu" zwackteresa@fhda.edu) Maureen McCarthy ( HYPERLINK "mailto:mccarthymaureen@fhda.edu" mccarthymaureen@fhda.edu) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PLEASE REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING LINKS ū Basic Skills Workgroup:  HYPERLINK "http://www.foothill.edu/president/basicskills.php" http://www.foothill.edu/president/basicskills.php Basic Skills Expenditure Guidelines:  HYPERLINK "http://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/AA/BasicSkills/2015/BSI_Expend_Guide_May2015.pdf" http://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/AA/BasicSkills/2015/BSI_Expend_Guide_May2015.pdf  123@ABLMNVWȻȦؚvcT>c-c!hiCJOJQJ^JmHnHu+jhzhzCJOJQJU^JhzhzCJOJQJ^J%jhzhzCJOJQJU^J#h QKhQv}5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h QKhe 5CJOJQJ^JaJh98CJOJQJaJ(h QKh5B*CJOJQJaJphhh/5CJOJQJaJh QKh5CJOJQJaJh QKhCJOJQJaJ0jh QKhCJOJQJUaJmHnHu 1$ $Ifa$gd QKl  $Ifgd QKl 123XF=& $Ifgdil  gde kd$$Ifl\F*  t0644 lap(yt QKWXYhijtuvμxμbQμ!hiCJOJQJ^JmHnHu+jEh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^JhiCJOJQJ^J+jh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^Jh QKhQv}CJOJQJ^J%jh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^J#h QKhQv}5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h QKhe 5CJOJQJ^JaJh QKhe CJOJQJaJ hzhe CJOJQJ^JaJXYww $Ifgdil qkdJ$$Ifl*+ t0644 lap yt QKv__ $Ifgdil kd$$Ifl0* t0644 lapyt QK    ָ֗pָaRB5h5CJOJQJaJh QKhQv}5CJOJQJaJhhe CJOJQJaJh QKhe CJOJQJaJ!hiCJOJQJ^JmHnHu+jh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^Jh QKhQv}CJOJQJ^J#h QKhQv}5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h QKhe 5CJOJQJ^JaJhiCJOJQJ^J%jh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^J+jJh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^J  : vmV $Ifgdvl  gde kd2$$Ifl0* t0644 lapyt QK # % & 0 1 2 6 8 9 ; 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