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Basic Skills funding will be used to pay placement test proctors for the placement tests given for Math Summer Bridge. Basic Skills cannot fund a portion of a full time placement test proctor. This expense would be hard to justify for Basic Skills funding and doesnt align with the goals of the workgroup. Many program already exist in English department to increase success in English 209 population. We need to reflect on how the basic skills work group can support these programs. The workgroup could fund a professional development for English 209 instructors. Since basic skills is part of the equity plan, this can be organized through equity. Allison will discuss the professional development with the English department and communicate with Justin. The English department will keep the work group informed and will let us know if they need any resources and/or help from the work group. We have permission from marketing to email students who are repeating Math 220 or Math 105 for the third time. A list of such students for this quarter was provided and their instructors were contacted by the STEM Center. Ten students were contacted and four now have scheduled one-on-one tutoring for the rest of the quarter. In future, we want to contact students that are not passing at the end of the quarter and get them set-up with resources for the beginning of the next quarter as we did last year with Math 105. Angle will get a list of possible students to the STEM Center during the break and Jiin will reach out to them before the start of the next quarter. Book vouchers are being provided by Equity for students in Math 220 and English 209 for students that demonstrate financial need. Many students do not take advantage of book voucher programs. This has been demonstrated in FYE, the Summer Bridge programs and is also happening in this program. New ways to distribute the textbooks or vouchers need to be explored to increase student use of the program. Early distribution is key. Next quarter the workgroup will meeting once a month from 2 to 3:30 pm on a Wednesday that PaRC does not meet. Next Meeting: January 22nd, 2 3:30 pm     (All agendas and minutes will be archived online through the Presidents Office.) +,3:CDEGMNOUXYZ^_`agkopqƻ|||q||qdWIh!h/'5CJOJQJh`5)5CJOJPJQJh 5CJOJPJQJh p5CJOJQJhbD5CJOJQJh`5)h`5)5CJH*OJQJh`5)5CJOJQJh4y5CJOJQJh=h/'5CJOJQJh,B5CJOJQJh=h/'CJOJQJh=hl5CJOJQJh=hlCJOJQJ!jh=hlCJOJQJU+,4gpq} 4 V u gd  gd/'$-DM a$gd/'gd/' q} Ż|iTE:E:h=~h48CJPJh=~h48CJOJPJQJ)h=~h B*CJOJPJQJaJph%h=~h??B*CJOJPJQJph)h=~h=~B*CJOJPJQJaJph%h=~h=~B*CJOJPJQJph,h h=~5B*CJOJPJQJaJphh/'CJOJQJhy7CJOJQJh 5CJOJQJh=h CJOJQJh CJOJQJh=h 5CJOJQJ   hukd$$IfTF`#FFF tP$6    22 l4BaytW T$IfgdW l gd??gd=~gd/'   ^ _ a b n  ⲥwi[wMihrCJOJQJ^JaJh~(%CJOJQJ^JaJhkEICJOJQJ^JaJhqCJOJQJ^JaJh}gCJOJQJ^JaJ#h:h}g5CJOJQJ^JaJh=h:CJOJQJ)h=~h??B*CJOJPJQJaJphh6Ckh48OJPJQJaJh48OJPJQJaJh=~h48CJOJPJQJhHh48CJOJPJQJ   T ^ zzz$IfgdW l rkd$$IfTF`# tP$6    22 l4aytW T^ _ n zzz$IfgdW l rkdl$$IfTF`# tP$6    22 l4aytW T zzz$IfgdW l rkd&$$IfTF`# tP$6    22 l4aytW T U a zzz$IfgdW l rkd$$IfTF`# tP$6    22 l4aytW Ta b q zzz$IfgdW l rkd$$IfTF`# tP$6    22 l4aytW T ( a )yrhhh^^ & F&gd! & F&gdkEIgdHgdqgd/'gd??ukdT$$IfTF`#FFF tP$6    22 l4BaytW T     ' ( - 4 G I W " F SWhyɼxl`l`````Th$OJPJQJaJhg1OJPJQJaJh!OJPJQJaJh-cOJPJQJaJh48h48H*OJPJQJaJhkEIOJPJQJaJh48OJPJQJaJhHhH5OJPJQJaJhH5OJPJQJaJ hqhZvCJOJQJ^JaJhqCJOJQJ^JaJh~(%CJOJQJhg1CJOJQJ^JaJ)26),9./IЬĔseWh48CJOJQJ^JaJhIYCJOJQJ^JaJ#h$h:5CJOJQJ^JaJh!hYqOJPJQJaJhYqOJPJQJaJhIOJPJQJaJh\OJPJQJaJhdOJPJQJaJh48OJPJQJaJhLeOJPJQJaJhg1OJPJQJaJh$OJPJQJaJh:POJPJQJaJ)/()*+$a$gd/'gd?gdHgd: & F&gd:P ^gdLe()*+ξh.YhJh.YCJOJQJhW jhW Uh OJPJQJaJhd=B*OJPJQJaJph hIYh:CJOJQJ^JaJh48CJOJQJ^JaJ#h48h48CJH*OJQJ^JaJ6/R :p/'/ =!"#$8% njA QPPNG  IHDRb 쬛gAMA pHYsNIDATxے Dakɦ\bNe&.08$I"@$$+0CLwCnl:skfq)/O$:R>J|B*B^1= *!jC@=obX?m!VIRn8;Ý[p1ǐV='WB t*6Iϛ油Wܪ\()æ9oٞHB}:<Ц{Ox=߉'9It7C$ ILJz C:z&z7;2^'}wcZ7J $I9H4YJ$IEzٝ܀МdhEVXi[{ii:LJb~LОNR++6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH <`< :%NormalCJ_HmH sH tH N@"N [i Heading 2 @&XDYD5CJ$mHsHtHDA D Default Paragraph FontZi@Z  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k (No List 0U`0 Hyperlink>*B*44 Header  !4 @4 Footer  !D@"D '7T Balloon TextCJOJQJaJj3j :% Table Grid7:V0FV`AF j0FollowedHyperlink >*B*ph@S PColorful Grid - Accent 4,:V0 44jQ@ ݬjQ ݬjQ Yj; YjQ YjQ YCJOJPJQJ^J_HaJ56B*\]ph56B*\]ph56B*\]ph56B*\]ph<oa< [iHeading 2 Char5CJ$PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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