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Be sure to include a description of which students this activity addresses, which specific student success indicators it supports, how this request addresses those groups and indicator(s). FORMTEXT Our goal is to host a Human Library event on campus this June. The Human Library Organization is a global group that stages interactions between individuals, allowing people to share and learn from each others' diverse life experiences. Our event this June is part of linked to the Heritage Month Series and will supplement the offerings during LGBTQA Heritage Month, and it is also part of the First Year Experience (FYE) program at ū, both of which have missions of equity and diversity. Our hope in staging a Human Library on campus is that it will open a dialogue on campus about these ideals and help students, faculty and staff interact and build appreciation and understanding by sharing their diverse experiences. At the FYE program level, we also want to enrich the students classroom experience with authentic community-based learning that connects the world of academia with that of real life. This program targets basic skills students who are traditionally under-served, and supports them throughout their first year of college and beyond through a learning community involving courses in English Composition, Art History, California History, Sociology, Literature, and Library Research. In this spring quarter, the students will be focusing on the theme of human rights in their English and sociology courses. Three of their major assignments require them to find primary resources in the form of interviews, case studies, or documentaries, and to use them to question and argue about misrepresentations that they see in society in order to uncover human rights violations and propose solutions. The Human Library will be a way to bring that research to life and to help students gain access to the academic world from which they have often been or felt excluded. We have also invited other instructors in Basic Skills courses, including the English Pathway and Puente, to bring their students to this event. Additionally, we are reaching out to EOPS and DRC to have a presence at the event, with the intent of making students aware of their resources. More importantly, since this event will be taking place throughout the day in the library quad during LGBTQA Heritage Month, we anticipate that it will attract students and other campus community members to also participate.  Please indicate the criteria used to select the students and/or faculty/staff participating in this activity. FORMTEXT We are targeting FYE and Basic Skills students and instructors, as well as faculty, staff and students across the campus who are interested in addressing the mission of equity and diversity. While some of these groups may choose to become "books" who will share their stories, others will be there to interview individuals and listen to these stories.  What outcomes are you predicting for this activity (or for those who participate) and what metric(s) will be used to evaluate if the activity is supporting increased outcomes for those students on the indicators (as described above)? FORMTEXT For the immediate target population of FYE and Basic Skills students who participate as part of their coursework, we expect them to gain communication, research, citation, quotation, and critical thinking skills. Since they will be expected to integrate their experience into their written assignments, they will be asked to demonstrate these skills within a graded essay. For the students who are attending outside of our classes, we hope that their instructors will ask them to follow-up with a brief reflection or assignment. We also predict that this event, especially if it is ongoing, will help to build community, engage campus members and students in difficult conversations about identity and diversity. We also plan to document the event, with permission from the individuals, and enable students in the future to access these archived stories. When students see themselves as part of a larger conversation in a community that values their opinion, their potential for success also increases. For FYE students, specifically, we hope that this event will encourage greater involvement in the class and ongoing coursework. We also hope to enlist future students who become interested during the event.  Please cite any research or evidence relevant to your proposal. FORMTEXT The website for the global Human Library Organization offers valuable information on the validity of the project and its impact on the community: http://humanlibrary.org/. Los Medanos Community College and other campuses also have ongoing installments of the Human Library on their campus: http://lmcexperience.com/top-stories/2014/04/17/human-library-informs/  Please describe plans for sustaining the activity (if possible) without Basic Skills funding. FORMTEXT Since the marketing materials will be created during this first event, we can reuse them in upcoming installments. Also, the involvement of students, faculty, staff and community members is completely voluntary. While we are planning to provide book vouchers as gifts to our community member and student volunteers, in the future, we may be able to give extra credit to students, and utilize more faculty and staff who are willing to contribute their time for free. Also, we can continue to collaborate with existing programs like the Heritage Month and the ASFC to pay for a guest speaker and food for the volunteers. We are currently working on getting food trucks to provide their services, lowering their food costs for the event, with the assumption that the captive audience will purchase enough food to make it worth their time (without an overhead cost).  Please provide a timeline for implementation and a schedule of planned activities. FORMTEXT We have already applied for and received approval for the use of the global Human LIbrary Organization marketing materials and logo, and we have also secured the speaker for the event with funds from ASFC. We now need to create the marketing materials, enlist volunteers for the event, and organize the event itself, which requires ongoing coordination. These are the following deadlines we are aiming for: April: Create marketing materials and secure speaker and volunteer "books." May: Actively market the event; get instructors to commit their classes to come for at least an hour and/or encourage participation independently; Coordinate between the library staff, LGBTA Club members, and Heritage Month to organize the event. June: The event is scheduled for June 6th from 10-3pm. There will be two hours of one-on-one interviews/discussions from 10-12, followed by the speaker, Jim Van Buskirk, from 12-1, and another three hours of one-on-one interviews/discussions.  Per the State Chancellor's Office, ū̒s Basic Skills initiatives are intended to improve outcomes of students who enter college academically under-prepared, needing at least one course in English as a Second Language (ESL) or basic skills (English and/or mathematics). Each funding request must be consistent with program goals and activities related to Basic Skills and English as a Second Language and fall within the States expenditure guidelines. Please note which of the following guidelines pertain to your funding request (check all that apply):  FORMCHECKBOX  PROGRAM PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT  FORMCHECKBOX  CURRICULUM PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT  FORMCHECKBOX  Student Assessment  FORMCHECKBOX  Advisement & Counseling Services  FORMCHECKBOX  Supplemental Instruction & Tutoring  FORMCHECKBOX  Articulation  FORMCHECKBOX  Instructional Materials & Equipment  FORMCHECKBOX  Coordination  FORMCHECKBOX  Research  FORMCHECKBOX  Professional Development INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION Please submit your completed request via email to the Basic Skills Workgroup Tri-Chairs: Victor Tam ( HYPERLINK "mailto:tamvictor@fhda.edu" tamvictor@fhda.edu) Teresa Zwack ( HYPERLINK "mailto:zwackteresa@fhda.edu" zwackteresa@fhda.edu) Maureen McCarthy ( HYPERLINK "mailto:mccarthymaureen@fhda.edu" mccarthymaureen@fhda.edu) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PLEASE REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING LINKS ū Basic Skills Workgroup:  HYPERLINK "http://www.foothill.edu/president/basicskills.php" http://www.foothill.edu/president/basicskills.php Basic Skills Expenditure Guidelines:  HYPERLINK "http://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/AA/BasicSkills/2015/BSI_Expend_Guide_May2015.pdf" http://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/AA/BasicSkills/2015/BSI_Expend_Guide_May2015.pdf  123@ABLMNijȻȦؚvcT>c-c!hRYCJOJQJ^JmHnHu+jhzhzCJOJQJU^JhzhzCJOJQJ^J%jhzhzCJOJQJU^J#h QKhQv}5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h QKhe 5CJOJQJ^JaJh98CJOJQJaJ(h QKh5B*CJOJQJaJphhh/5CJOJQJaJh QKh5CJOJQJaJh QKhCJOJQJaJ0jh QKhCJOJQJUaJmHnHu 1$ $Ifa$gd QKl  $Ifgd QKl 123kF=& $IfgdRYl  gde kd$$Ifl\F*  t0644 lap(yt QKjkl{|}μsμ]Lμ!hIhCJOJQJ^JmHnHu+jEh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^J!hRYCJOJQJ^JmHnHu+jh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^Jh QKhQv}CJOJQJ^J%jh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^J#h QKhQv}5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h QKhe 5CJOJQJ^JaJh QKhe CJOJQJaJ hzhe CJOJQJ^JaJklw` $IfgdIhl  $IfgdRYl qkdJ$$Ifl*+ t0644 lap yt QK v_H $Ifgd1Gl  $IfgdIhl kd$$Ifl0* t0644 lapyt QK      ŴŴ֢ցkִ֢\M=h QKhQv}5CJOJQJaJhhe CJOJQJaJh QKhe CJOJQJaJ+jh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^Jh QKhQv}CJOJQJ^J#h QKhQv}5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h QKhe 5CJOJQJ^JaJ!hIhCJOJQJ^JmHnHu!hRYCJOJQJ^JmHnHu%jh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^J+jJh QKhQv}CJOJQJU^J   < \ y vmV??? $IfgdYl  $IfgdIhl  gde kd2$$Ifl0* t0644 lapyt QK  ' ) * 4 5 6 ; 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