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FORMTEXT This request covers the required textbook and code for Basic Skills Math 220 AND the following class Math 105. This request will allow Veteran's taking basic skills Math (220/105) to use the Pearson's Math MyLab math code in combination with the hard copy book needed to complete assignments, homework and study for tests. This is a required purchase and used extensively by Math Instructors. Students not using the class code in this textbook stand a high chance of not succeeding. The Math instructor has the online information in this class imbedded in his syllabus for the Math 105 class. Here is the syllabus: Math 105.03: Intermediate Algebra with Jeff Anderson INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Instructor: Jeff Anderson Email: andersonjeff@fhda.edu COURSE INFORMATION Course Title: Intermediate Algebra CRN: 30331 Units: 5.0 Class Time: TR 10:00am 11:50am F 11:00am 11:50am Location: Room 5614 Homepage: Sign in through MyMathLab MML ID: anderson29066 Prereqs: C or better in Math 220 OR Qualifying score on Placement Test STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Students will develop conceptual understanding of the relationship between a function and its graph. Students will demonstrate and communicate this understanding in a variety of ways, such as: reasoning with definitions, connecting concepts, and connecting multiple representations. 2. Students will demonstrate the ability to simplify linear, quadratic, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic expressions and solve equations. 3. Students will solve problems involving applications of linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic growth. COURSE CONTENT AND ATTENDANCE Course Content: This is an Intermediate Algebra Course and meets the math requirement for the AA degree. It is also a prerequisite for math courses needed for transfer. After a short review of Beginning Algebra, the course will extend your knowledge of mathematical expressions, equations and functions to include polynomials, absolute value functions, rational expressions of polynomials, radicals, exponentials and logarithms. REQUIRED MATERIALS Textbook: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Graphs and Models custom published by Pearson for ū. (You may opt to purchase an e-text. See below.) Required Online Access Code: You will submit most of your homework online using My Math Lab or MML. You will receive an access code with the textbook, or you can purchase online access and an e-text will be provide within MML. (MML Course ID: anderson29066) Current Bookstore Pricing: New Book with MML Code: $144.70 (as of 1/3/2016) Online Access Code with e-text: $95.20 Materials: You will need pencils, erasers, loose-leaf notebook paper, graph paper and a folder or notebook to organize your class materials. A graphing calculator with a table feature is required for this course. I recommend the TI-83, TI-83 Plus or TI-84, which can be purchased in the campus bookstore. I will use a TI-84 for classroom demonstrations. The instructor must approve any other calculator, and calculators that perform symbolic operations (such as the TI-Nspire, TI-89 or TI-92) are NOT allowed. If you have another calculator you will be responsible for knowing how to use it. No other electronic devices will be allowed during exams or quizzes. Unfortunately I will not allow graphing calculator aps on smartphones, tablets or any device with communication features to be used on quizzes or exams. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Online HW: USING MML: MyMathLab For each class meeting there will be at least one MyMathLab Homework assignment to be submitted online. Directions regarding this procedure will be given in class. While completing the online homework, you may try each problem as many times as you like in order to get 100% on each assignment. The online homework will be due before the start of the next class. Book HW: Book HW assignments include problems from the course textbook. These assignments have no more than 5 problems per section and provide an opportunity to get feedback on your written work. You can access Book HW assignments on our course MyMathLab site. Book HW is due every Friday at 2pm. If you are able to complete your book homework before class on Friday, you can submit your completed Book HW in the class box before 11am on Friday morning. Otherwise, you can submit your Book HW under Jeff's Office door (Rm 4141) by 2pm on the due date for full credit. Late book homework submissions will be accepted. Maximum credit earned for late written homework assignments will be tiered according to the date submitted: Late Book HW submitted during Weeks 2 - 10: up to 80% of full credit Late Book HW submitted during Week 11: up to 50% of full credit Last Day to Submit: Late Book HW Weeks 1 8: Friday March 4, 2016 at 2pm Late Book HW Weeks 9 11: Friday March 18, 2016 at 2pm Math 105.03 Syllabus (Winter 2016) Page 3 of 6 QUIZZES Online Quizzes: USING MML: MyMathLab Each week, you will take one online review quiz for the content covered the previous weeks. You may try these quizzes as many times as you like to maximize your score. Review Quizzes will be due by 11:59pm on Mondays. Concept Quizzes: At the beginning of each Tuesday and Thursday class, you will be asked to answer one conceptual math question. These will be questions like: Is it possible for the sum of 2 negative numbers to be positive? These questions will require you to provide written explanations beyond algebraic or numeric answers. These quizzes cannot be made up, but I will drop your lowest 3 concept quiz scores when I calculate your final grade. Skill Quizzes: At the beginning of most Friday classes, you will have a 10 15 minute quiz that asks problems similar to those in the online homework. This will give you an opportunity to get feedback on your written work and give you practice doing problems under time pressure. I will drop your lowest skill quiz in calculating your final grade. IN-CLASS EXAMS Hourly Exams: You will have THREE one-hour exams. The dates of these exams will be announced in class, but tentative dates are shown on the tentative course calendar. These exams will emphasize, but are not limited to, material covered since the last examination. I will replace your lowest in-class exam percent score by your final exam percentage score if doing so raises your grade. Final Exam: The final exam in this class is cumulative: it will include everything we cover in the quarter. The final exam will be given at the regularly scheduled time: Thursday March 24, 2016 from 10:00am 12:00pm. IF YOU CANNOT TAKE THE FINAL AT THE SCHEDULED TIME, PLEASE TALK TO ME BY THE END OF THE SECOND WEEK OF CLASS. Extra Credit: There will be no extra credit assignments. However, there may occasionally be extra credit problems included within the assignments listed above. GRADING POLICY Grades: The table below shows the categories and associated weights used to calculate your final grade. I will calculate your final category grades by calculating the ratio of the number of points youve earned over the total number of points possible for each grade category. Online Homework 7.5% Book Homework 7.5% Online Quizzes 10% Concept Quizzes 10% Skill Quizzes In-Class Exams 10% 30% (10% each) Final exam 25%  Please indicate the criteria used to select the students and/or faculty/staff participating in this activity. FORMTEXT Veterans have generous support from many aspects of the community in the purchase of required textbooks for many of their classes. They do not have financial support in the purchase of class codes required for their math classes. Since all books purchased used do not have a valid class code, we are looking for new textbooks with valid MyLab class codes for students to use. What outcomes are you predicting for this activity (or for those who participate) and what metric(s) will be used to evaluate if the activity is supporting increased outcomes for those students on the indicators (as described above)? FORMTEXT Since Veterans identify themselves in their application, measuring their success is a surmountable task. Success would be measured by passing (or not passing) the class using the class code. Math 220/105 STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Students will develop conceptual understanding of the relationship between a function and its graph. Students will demonstrate and communicate this understanding in a variety of ways, such as: reasoning with definitions, connecting concepts, and connecting multiple representations. 2. Students will demonstrate the ability to simplify linear, quadratic, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic expressions and solve equations. 3. Students will solve problems involving applications of linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic growth. Please cite any research or evidence relevant to your proposal. FORMTEXT Students using the online materials provided with this math code are assisted with assignments, "stuck" portions of homework and quizzes. Please describe plans for sustaining the activity (if possible) without Basic Skills funding. FORMTEXT Codes are single use Please provide a breakdown of expenses, a timeline for implementation and a schedule of planned activities. FORMTEXT Implemented as soon as the grant is approved, early as Spring Quarter 2016, moving onto Summer, 2016. 75 textbooks with class codes for an average of 18 Veterans per quarter taking Math 220/105. Per the State Chancellor's Office, ū̒s Basic Skills initiatives are intended to improve outcomes of students who enter college academically under-prepared, needing at least one course in English as a Second Language (ESL) or basic skills (English and/or mathematics). Each funding request must be consistent with program goals and activities related to Basic Skills and English as a Second Language and fall within the States expenditure guidelines. Please note which of the following guidelines pertain to your funding request (check all that apply):  FORMCHECKBOX  PROGRAM PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT  FORMCHECKBOX  CURRICULUM PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT  FORMCHECKBOX  Student Assessment  FORMCHECKBOX  Advisement & Counseling Services  FORMCHECKBOX  Supplemental Instruction & Tutoring  FORMCHECKBOX  Articulation  FORMCHECKBOX  Instructional Materials & Equipment  FORMCHECKBOX  Coordination  FORMCHECKBOX  Research  FORMCHECKBOX  Professional Development INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION Please submit your completed request via email to the Basic Skills Workgroup Tri-Chairs: Victor Tam ( HYPERLINK "mailto:tamvictor@fhda.edu" tamvictor@fhda.edu) Teresa Zwack ( HYPERLINK "mailto:zwackteresa@fhda.edu" zwackteresa@fhda.edu) Maureen McCarthy ( 123@ABLMN[ȻȦؚvcT>c2hcwPCJOJQJ^J+jhzhzCJOJQJU^JhzhzCJOJQJ^J%jhzhzCJOJQJU^J#h QKhQv}5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h QKhe 5CJOJQJ^JaJh98CJOJQJaJ(h QKh5B*CJOJQJaJphhh/5CJOJQJaJh QKh5CJOJQJaJh QKhCJOJQJaJ0jh QKhCJOJQJUaJmHnHu 1$ $Ifa$gd 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