

December 2017
Let it Snow Holiday Party: December 8 

It's time for the annual holiday party! Join us for games, food and fun. 

This year we'll have a photo booth, pin the nose on the snowman, and a card decorating table. 

Wear your favorite ugly sweater. You could win the mystery prize! 

Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) Update

Below is a summary of the action and information items from the most recent Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) meetings. For complete minutes and first-reads, please visit the .

PaRC discussed the recent district budget town halls held at Sunnyvale and the main campus. The group will resume budget discussions in January. All are still welcome to give feedback and comments . 

Andrew LaManque, AVP of Instruction, presented the , a framework to increase student completion rates. The college will begin planning for implementation in winter quarter. 

The was passed on the second read and will go to the Board in January. The plan outlines potential areas of activity for the 3SP, Basic Skills, and Equity Plans. 

PaRC moved to approve the creation of two new transfer degrees: A.A.-T in Child and Adolescent Development and A.A.-T in Elementary Teacher Education. 
Reminder: Winter Registration is Underway! 

Please encourage your students to continue their studies at Foothill this winter quarter. Classes start Jan. 8.
Annual Holiday Ceramics Sale

Looking for a unique gift? Stop by the annual student pottery sale on Cesar Chavez Plaza from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Dec. 7. Proceeds benefit the ceramics program and student club. Cash and checks accepted. Enter the raffle for a chance to win a vase made by instructor Andy Ruble!
Donate to Good Causes on Campus

Giving Tuesday may be over, but there are still opportunities to donate to good causes on campus. Visit to find out ways you can give this holiday season.  
性奴调教 Good News Corner!

Biology instructor Jeff Schinske has been selected as the 2018 recipient of the (OUSTA) from the Society for College Science Teaching. He is the first community college instructor to win the award! Jeff will accept his award and present at the National Science Teachers Association conference in March. 

Heather Garcia, an Instructional Designer in Online Learning, will give a  at the in January. Her presentation will focus on how instructional designers define their roles through professional communities of practiceHeather's on tech-enabled strategies to improve student learning was also accepted. 

Photography instructor Ron Herman was invited to be a guest lecturer for the "Camera as Witness: International Human Rights" class at Stanford University. He spoke about ethics in documenting across cultures. Ron drew from his personal photography experiences in Myanmar, Senegal and Cuba to engage the students in conversation on contentious social issues.

Computer science student Marcus Carriel was mentioned in a recent about Tech Tuesdays at , which provides high tech training for young adults in communities of color. Through StreetCode, Marcus found his interest in computers and is following that passion at Foothill.  

Karl Schmidt will sing with  on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 16-17. The program will feature music from several faith traditions and cultures around the globe. Buy tickets . 

The 性奴调教 Fusion faculty & staff newsletter is published the first Thursday of each month. Have something you would like to share with the 性奴调教 community? Email  Vanessa Smith.

性奴调教, 12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
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