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Campus Map & Locations


Media Center
Located on the 1st Floor
Room 3612
on the Foothill Campus.
Location type: Lab
Phone: (650) 949-7445
Email: robinsonlinda@fhda.edu
Contact: Linda Robinson

Fall, Winter & Spring Hours
Mon. - Thurs., 8:00 a.m. - 7:00pm,
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00pm,
Closed Sat and Sun

Summer Hours
Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m
Closed Fri., Sat. & Sun.
AV Equipment
2 Stations with DVD/VHS attached to big screen displays. 10 stations with VHS/DVD playback units.

5 stations with plugs for laptop use.
Two black and white laser printers and one color printer available to students.
Two scanners, a Cash to Card machine (for students to add value to their Owl Card) and an Alternative Print Card dispenser.
One 24" iMac (Intel)
Two PC's that solely support the Respiratory Therapy Program
One PC for students in the Adaptive Learning Program.

Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Acrobat, PhotoShop.
Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer web browsers.

The Media Center is available to ALL Foothill Students and has wireless capability. We use the Go Print Pay for Print system which is networked to 15 PCs and 37 iMacs.

The Media Center primarily serves students who are researching and writing papers, creating spreadsheets or power point presentations. Therefore we have the Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Acrobat and 7 of the iMacs have PhotoShop. We use Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer for web browsers. In addition to computers, we also have 10 carrels with VHS/DVD playback units, 5 carrels with plugs for laptop use, 3 study rooms 2 of which contain DVD/VHS big screens and one room which contains a 24" iMac for group use.
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Last Update: 2011-08-11

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